
Thursday, March 29, 2012


Saba is a lush, verdant volcanic island rising out of the waters of the aqua Caribbean sea.
As our fast boat, The Edge II, neared the island, Saba's majesty took my breath away.  Several jagged peaks clothed in green rise 2855 feet above the surrounding sparkling water.

This was to be a one day trip, it's purpose to hike up to the summit of the highest peak, Mt Scenery.  An adventure awaited us.
When we disembarked, a taxi took 10 of us part way up to the hike starting point.  As he drove on the one and only island road through 3 of the 4 quaint villages--The Bottoms, St. John's, and Windwardside, he gave us a tour and told us some of the history.   

 (The Bottom)
We were enchanted by the loveliness of the flora and the cute white cottages with red roofs.

Since 1816, Saba has been part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  The first (and only) road was built in 1943.  And what a feat that was!  The first airplane landed in 1959.  The landing strip is legendary!   (only 1312 feet long and the only flat place on the island)
Saba is known for its quaintness, its lush landscape, and amazing undersea life.


Let's begin this adventure when our driver lets us off at the start of the hike.  By the way, don't pay him now, he says.  Wait till he picks you up in the Village afterwards.  Meet at the Snack Shop.

Let me tell you from the start.  We had no idea what we were in for!
We start our hike UP.  It will always be UP.  no switchbacks.  just UP.

Oh look!  We are enthralled by this banana tree.  I've seen them before, but never with that humongous inflorescence* hanging off the bottom.

 The leaves on many of the plants are jungle-size.   Yellow and black butterflies flit lazily. 

Up a little ways and we can look down on one of the villages and the sea beyond.  How pretty!

UP we go.  UP and UP.  The way up is by "steps," yet not smooth but rocky and uneven.  In places, especially the higher we go, they are slippery.  straight UP, no switchbacks.
It's hot and hard work.  But there's a view to be had.  UP we go.

When we reach the top it feels like a major accomplishment.  We look down on a red roof village below.  

We see 3 more islands in the distance--St. Kitts, Eustatius, and Nevis.  

We can only spare about 10 minutes up here because we have to hike down (those 1064 slippery, scary rock steps) to make our taxi and then our boat back.  We brought lunch, but no time to stop and eat.  Besides, I'm too hot and tired to eat.

Back down we go.  This is easier on the lungs, but still tricky and slippery.  

Almost to the bottom now.

We made it!

We have the certificate to prove it!  (1064 steps up, 1064 steps down; 1155 foot climb up, 1155 feet down)

shops in Windwardside (snack shop is on the right)

St. Paul's Conversion Church (est. 1860, Catholic)

 (middle--a couple who were on our hike;  left--my hubby)
We arrive in time to enjoy a smoothie in the outdoor seating area while waiting for our taxi.  such jubilation!  We did it!!

back down to our waiting boat.  You can get an idea of the steepness of the mountainside in this photo.  Imagine building that road!

NOTE:  I took few pictures.  The island itself from afar had to be photographed from the inside of the boat through a window.  Same thing on the taxi ride.  The driver paused a couple times, but otherwise photos were taken while the vehicle was moving--memories for me, not so good to share.  On the hike, we were on a mission to get to the top and back down again in time, so I took few photos.  I would love to visit Saba again and spend more time.  It is an absolutely gorgeous place and the people are wonderful!

5 square miles 
population 1824 in 2001
4 villages:  The Bottom, St. John's, Windwardside, Hell's Gate
Dutch is the official language; English is the principal language
US dollar is the official currency (since 1/1/2011)
Saba University School of Medicine is located in The Bottom (300 students)
2 schools total on the island--Sacred Heart School (primary) and Saba Comprehensive School (secondary)
Rainfall averages 42 inches a year. The mean monthly temperature is 80°F. The temperature differs approximately 2 degrees between summer and winter. 
diverse native vegetation is divided into five types.  These occur at different levels above the sea in concentric circles.  --grassy scrub near sea level,  dry woodland above grassy scrub on the leeward side, moist forest above these, rain forest next, then cloud forest at the summit of Mt. Scenery

The airport is among the 10 most dangerous landing strips in the world.  See a list of dangerous airports with photos HERE.
I liked the story and photos of a hike up Mt. Scenery HERE 
scuba an snorkel Saba information HERE 

*inflorescence--a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. 

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock!  See others' completed homework assignments HERE.  Come join in!  This week our letter is "S."

photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Treasury Round Up: Part Two

I've been featured in lovely treasuries lately!  Many thanks to the treasury makers!
(All treasuries and items within the treasuries are clickable.)

Kathy of tapestry316 featured my Rainbow Extravaganza silk scarf in her treasury Warm Spring Colors to Chase away the Cold Winter! filled with lovely items in warm tones.

Kathy is a wonderful watercolor artist.  Animals, especially horses, are her favorite subject.  She even does custom work!  Her painting Your Best Friend is one of my very favorites. 

Judy of JN Originals featured my purple and lavender hand dyed silk scrunchie in her treasury A Touch of Lavender filled with lovely items from the Blogging Business Team.
Judy crochets and felts beautiful items--bags, bowls, headbands, gloves, needle books, and more--like this cup cozy with its sweet golden and white flower.

This gorgeous treasury, Soft and Sweet was curated by Valerie of Vals Beads.  She featured my hand dyed soft pastel rainbow scrunchie along with a collection of wonderful, very sweet items.

Valerie's shop is filled with the lovely jewelry she makes, some crocheted and knitted!  This lovely necklace is crocheted of fine copper wire and jasper mookaite beads in pretty colors.

I love the colors of green and blue in this lovely treasury Colors of Spring! by Erika of Artful Rising.  Erika featured my hand dyed silk scarf Wood Between the Worlds.

Erika has a shop filled with journals sporting very fun covers such as this one, "Find Your Adventure."  (I like it because it has a bicycle on the cover!  PS:  It's on sale this week!)  Erika's shop also has hand stamped metal key rings and clay hearts.

Cockatoo Tango was curated by Janet of Honey from the Bee.  She featured my hand dyed silk scarf Wood Between the Worlds.
Janet makes lovely one-of-a-kind jewelry inspired by nature, travel, and the creative life.  These lampwork cream and sage earrings make me think of the greening of Spring and creamy white flowers.

I'm linking up with Random Creative's Treasury Round Up.   For more awesome treasuries, go HERE!

Treasury Round Up: Part One

I've been featured in lovely treasuries lately!  Many thanks to the treasury makers!
(All treasuries and items within the treasuries are clickable.)

Rae Ann Martin of Pink Posie Couture featured my bright rainbow tie dyed wash cloths in her colorful treasury Color Your World in Rainbow 

Rae Ann makes the most wonderful tutus and accessories.  Just look at this one! There's even more lovely goodies to be found in her shop.

Nancy of N Fallon Design Studio curated this treasury Dreams of warm weather and emerging spring! featuring my hand dyed silk scarf Rainbow Extravaganza. 

Nancy knits the most wonderful purses and other items like these these super cute heart brooches.

Deb of storybeader put together this collection called New From the BBArtisans featuring my windy dreams hand dyed silk scarf.

Deb makes lovely journals and paper beads like this Art Journal.  She especially loves washi paper.

Sarah of Magnolia Surprise made this festive treasury You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day... featuring my long sleeve rainbow tie dye T shirt for youth. 

Sarah is a talented crocheter who makes lovely items for her shop.  This fun toast potholder is a very popular item! 

Rose of Random Creative featured my silk scarf Wood Between the Worlds in her treasury Bring On the Spring Green.

Rose creates beautiful beaded bracelets and earrings.  She even makes her own patterns and has been featured in magazines!  She loves green and leaves and this pretty bracelet showcases those loves.

I'm linking up with Random Creative's Treasury Round Up.   For more awesome treasuries, go HERE!

photos by each individual artist © 2011-2012  all rights reserved!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Turquoise and Red: a Challenge!

"Your challenge is to create any item with turquoise and red as the primary colors.  You can incorporate other colors, too, but turquoise and red must key components." Thus states the Challenge given by Rose of Random Creative for this month's Blogging Business Artisans team.

Since I've been making a lot of cards the past couple weeks, I decided to challenge myself to make some in this color combination.  The two colors are gorgeous together and I had fun creating!

° light turquoise cardstock 
° design stamped in chocolate ink and  colored in with chalk
° red frame left over from another project

° turquoise chalk edged around the inside of the frame 
° 2 more stamps colored in with chalk and edged with turquoise chalk
° details added with chocolate marker
° nest stamp popped up

The base of this card was made in a class.  The card was stamped in black ink on white cardstock and then run through the Cuttlebug to pop out the daisies.

° daisies colored in with red chalk
° card edged with turquoise chalk
° light turquoise organdy ribbon tied along the folded edge
° butterfly punched out of turquoise flowered paper, edged with turquoise chalk, and 3 silver metallic beads glued along center  
° the butterfly's wings are folded up slightly for 3-dimensional effect

° turquoise cardstock with cuttlebug embossed design along bottom front edge
° strip of red and cream flowered paper
° strip of solid red paper
° and yes, crazy me, I cut the grass by hand!
° 2 pre-made designs attached (3 silver metallic dots on fence, googly eye on ladybug)

° turquoise and red tags cut with Cricut Expression, both edged and marked with chocolate stamp pad and glued together
° printed nest from The Graphics Fairy, torn out by hand, chalked with light tan and edged with chocolate stamp pad
° "thanks" and "many thanks" stamped in chocolate
° copper glimmer mist sprayed on
° yarn tie

more about the team and monthly challenges:
Blogging Business Artisans was formed last October to support and help its members grow artistically and professionally.  It's been a great joy to be a member of this team!
The idea was conceived of holding monthly Challenges to help us grow and stretch our imaginations.  Team members must complete 6 of the 12 challenges within a year.

LINKS to my past BBA Challenges:
January  New Mittens, Old Sweater!  a challenge! 
February  LOVE: a Challenge!

photos by me © 2012 all rights reserved

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Reds

Abracadabra by Alexander Liberman (1992  welded and painted steel) is permanently exhibited in the awesome Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and Museum in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.

to accompany cranberry, orange, and pecan scones ~recipes HERE  

a rare look behind the scenes in the production of this red silk scrunchie for my etsy shop.  Oliver is doing a great job snoopervising the choice of just the right color silk thread to finish the sewing of this scrunchie.

longing for the deliciousness of Summer vegetables!

watching the game in Cincinnati!

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock!  See others' completed homework assignments HERE. Come join in!  This week our letter is "R."

photos by me © 2007-2011    all rights reserved

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Spring!

“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"...
"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...”
~Frances Hodgson Burnett in The Secret Garden

photo by me © 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Treasury Round Up

I've been featured in a couple lovely treasuries lately!  Many thanks to the treasury makers!
(All treasuries and items within the treasuries are clickable.)

Linda Pruitt of Pruitt Creations featured my windy dreams hand dyed silk scarf in her treasury Birdies and Grey Skies.

Look at this wonderful child's cuddle blanket/doll quilt Linda handcrafted!  It's soft and lovely, made from recycled, leftover, and upcycled material.  You'll find all kinds of wonderful fabric creations in Linda's shop.

Janet of Honey From The Bee featured my set of 4 hand dyed and hand painted wash cloths in her treasury Sunshine on my Shoulders.


This is a lovely vintage French and enameled button and amazonite necklace  for sale in her shop.  About her inspiration, she says, "A trip in 2008 to the Outer Banks in NC got me imagining what sort of treasures Blackbeard may have stolen and hidden in chests to only be discovered many years later... by me of course!"  You will find many lovely and unique pieces in Janet's shop.

I'm linking up with Random Creative's Treasury Round Up.   For more awesome treasuries, go HERE!

PS:  Because of the blogger strangeness and the deletion of Google Friend connect for non-blogger blogs, please follow me on Linky in my right sidebar, just a little bit down from the top.  I love my readers and would be so sad to loose you!  Thanks! ♥ 

photos by each individual artist © 2011-2012  all rights reserved!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pruitt Creations' Giveaway

The fabulous Blogging Business Artisans Team on etsy is once again hosting a wonderful giveaway!  Linda of Pruitt Creations makes the most fabric wonderful items.

She is giving away this fun fabric crayon roll:
your choice of a set of 4 coasters.
HURRY!  ends soon!  It's easy to enter!

March 20, 2012 at 11am central
Contest open worldwide
Click on this LINK to enter.

photos by Linda Pruitt © 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012


(A plane flies into the sunset over St Maarten.)

I'm linking up with a favorite meme.  Come join this awesome meme SkyWatch Friday and link up!  SkyWatch Friday is hosted by Wren, fishing guy, Sylvia, Klaus, and Sandy.

photos by me © 2012  all rights reserved