
Monday, February 23, 2009

etsy love

Here's the main reason why etsy is so great...people !

custom little yellow hearts made for me

I met Moon Dog Farm on a forum where she posted a helpful hint about Indie Public, a networking site for the independent art and design community.
MoondogFarm's etsy shop:

Nikki then became my first blog follower! She lives on Happytown Road (seriously!) on 15 acres in the woods of Main with her family--husband, 2 little girls, dogs, kitty, chickens... In the summer she markets on Mount Desert Island, food that she has grown. In the winter, she likes to needlefelt, knit, and make necklaces. A photo of her little red felted heart was featured in a Stork article which greatly increased her sales.

here she is--Owlie Emma
Vivikas posted a helpful hint in the forums about Indie Spotting where you can submit an item to be displayed on their site for free.

vivkas' etsy shop:

Vivikas aka Vivian loves to transform her ideas and crazy thoughts into toys that can be weird or cute depending on her mood.

Shaving Kit Suppplies included my sky blue earrings (below) in a treasury when I was 2 days old! In her shop there's a mish-mashy little home-brewed blend of art, vintage, stationery and handmade. She loves old things, books, and making things out of paper.
ShavingKitSuppplies' etsy shop: http://http//
(note 3 ps!)

I opened actually 2 shops on etsy because I love to create, and in the past 15+ years, I have loved meeting people who have loved my items, AND there is no room in my house for all my creations AND me. What has surprised me is the comraderie and the willingness to share among etsians. That has been great fun. Now to make a sale.....
This one's for the etsy blogger's street team's blog carnival.
The above photos are not mine and belong to the individual shop owners, except for the 2 yellow hearts and the sky blue earrings which ARE mine.


  1. This is all such interesting info...thanks for sharing...

  2. Thanks so much for this post! I love everyone on ETSY too!


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