
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Raspberry Rhubarb Cobbler

served with vanilla ice cream and garnished with lemon zest and thyme (because that was the only edible green stuff growing in my garden today)
8 C raspberries (or 3 12oz packages frozen)

4 C rhubarb, cut into small pieces
1 C sugar

1/4 C flour
1/8 C arrowroot powder (or just use more flour)
3/4 C honey
1 T butter & 2 T butter
Butter a 9" x 13" pan with 1 T butter. In a bowl, gently fold together raspberries and rhubarb. Add sugar, flour, and arrowroot and mix gently. Mix in the honey. Dump this into the pan and spread evenly. Do not tamp down.

Cut the 2 T butter into very small pieces and dot the top of the filling.
Zest lemon onto top. (Use 1 lemon--optional)

1 C unbleached flour
1/2 C whole wheat pastry flour
pinch salt (optional)
1/2 C brown sugar
1 1/4 C butter
1 C rolled oats
In food processor, mix together flours, salt, and brown sugar. Then mix in butter. Pour this mixture into a bowl. Add oats and stir. Coat the top of the filling with this mixture. Bake 1 hour at 375.
eat, enjoy!

NOTE: None of the proportions of the ingredients in this recipe are crucial with one exception. There must be enough butter to hold the cobbler topping together when pressed between your fingers. This recipe is not super sweet, so if you want it sweeter, add more sugar.
for more about rhubarb, check out these links: This one includes a couple recipes.

On March 21, 2010, I am linking to Little Andalucia's Friday Features--Link Party.  Come join and/or see more creativity HERE.

 photos by me ©2009


  1. Oh I love rhubarb in anything! I've never had it with raspberries before but this looks yummy!

  2. I have put rhubarb in a place along with mincemeat--they just sound so strange. BUT that cobbler looks wonderful!

  3. Rhubarb tastes not so great by itself, but mixed with raspberries or strawberries and baked with soemthing sweet--YUM!

  4. Can't wait to try this as I LOVE both rhubarb and raspberries...yum! Thanks again for sharing!

  5. That does sound good! I love cobblers because of the topping! Nice "red" post!
    And just to respond to your comment on mine -- I had one of those baskets too; when it was spilling over I was embarrassed to see just how old everything was! Been in there waiting to be mended for years! Oops!

  6. Thank you for participating in the link party! That cobbler looks yummy!!

  7. looks delicious! and very adventuresome... at least for me, the non-cook! {:-D

  8. Margaret, this caught my eye! I can almost smell it coming from the oven :) Also, the lemon zest and ice cream make me SO hungry. I still have raspberries (Heritage everbearing) and my rhubarb is looking good, so I hope to make this soon :)
    Thank you, too, for your kind words. I love the challenge of getting something to hold still long enough to capture it digitally. I only have an S8100 Cool Pik (Nikon), but it takes some awesome photos. Not the tr4ick is learning to edit well. I'm almost 60. lol


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