
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I made this dessert for a dinner meeting last night. The recipe is my own, synthesized from the reading of 3 different recipes. I did not want to make them very sweet, but more sugar can be added for a sweeter scone. I used a food processor, but these can be made by hand.
3 C flour ( I used @ 1/4 c whole wheat pastry flour to give a richer flavor.)
1/2 C sugar
1 T baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 T buttermilk powder
1/4 t salt (opt)

6 T butter

1/3 C pecans, chopped
1/3 C fresh cranberries, chopped
1-3 t orange zest

@ 1 C water (I added about 2T orange juice to the measuring cup before adding water.)

In bowl of food processor, combine dry ingredients till well blended.

Here are the dry ingredients in the food processor before mixing.
Chop butter and add to dry mixture, pulsing on and off on low till mixture resembles a coarse meal. If doing this by hand, use two knives and cut the butter into the dry mixture.

chopped butter and extra ingredients

While pulsing on low, add the water a little at a time. If mixing by hand, use a fork or two to combine. Check mixture before using all the water to see if it will hold together when pressed with your fingers. ( I used all but a tablespoon or two of my water-orange juice mixture. See note below.) Now remove from processor to another bowl. (see photo on right.) Using two forks, mix in extra ingredients.

Scatter some sugar on a counter. Pat the scone mixture on top of the sugar till it is about 1/2 inch thick. Cut into scones. I used a 3 inch diameter biscuit cutter. Brush a little water or orange juice on the tops and sprinkle on a little sugar. Place about 2 inches apart on greased sheet and bake at 375 degrees for @ 14 minutes. (The amount of time baking takes will depend on the size of your scones and the heat of your oven. I suggest checking after some minutes to see the progress.) They should be slightly golden brown on top when they are done.

I served the scones with a goat cheese spread. The ingredients below are a suggestion. Add whatever you like, as much or as little of it as you please.


4 oz goat cheese
2 t fresh cranberries, chopped
2 t dates, chopped
1T honey

2 t sugar
water or orange juice to get desired spreading consistancy

Mix well. I made this a little sweeter to go with the not-so-sweet scones since this was dessert.

Serve scones with the spread, butter, small slices of cheese, and fruit.


NOTE: How much water to add will depend on the flour and the humidity of the air.


  1. Looks and sounds absolutely yummy. Must try -- thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I adore scones! These look delicious! The spread too, mmmmm.

  3. Oh, yummmmm. I love scones! (now I have the urge to bake :o)

  4. Those look so good! I think I'm going to have to do some baking today as well :)

  5. Those look fabulous! I've never made scones before but I think I'm going to try! Welcome to the team!

  6. Oh, I LOVE scones! These look delectable, and are on my list of things to create. Thanks!

  7. I just purchased a orange cranberry scone recipe on etsy. I am going to the store today and I am going to make these! I love cranberry and orange. Thanks for the recipe.


  8. Yum!! I've been craving biscotti lately... maybe we'll do scones instead. :) That recipe looks fantastic!

  9. Yum! Scones are one of my favorites and these look delish!!!!


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