
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Spring is an experience of immortality. I love Spring. The earth bursts into song, going from seeming dispair to riotous joy. 
 ... an April hike in the North Carolina mountains near Asheville in 2006....Four of us spent many serene moments watching a stream of ants laboring to carry a few huge crumbs through their secret tunnel to their underground nest.

 ... a display at the 2008 Cincinnati Flower Show...The Cincinnati Flower Show is awesome! It is probably the largest flower show in North America, and the only North American show endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain. Better Homes and Gardens honored it as the "King of all flower shows." One's spirit is renewed while walking among the many acres of flowers, a feast for the senses. Oh the colors, the smells! Glorious Spring has arrived!
This year will be the 20th anniversary of the show.

A young boy holds a butterfly at Krohn Conservatory during the annual Butterfly Show.
Eden Park's Krohn Conservatory is a nationally recognized showcase of more than 3,500 plant species from all over the world. The palm, tropical, desert and orchid houses exhibit permanent displays of exotic plants in natural settings, complete with a 20 foot rainforest waterfall. It is a garden paradise under glass.

This one's for the etsy blogger's street team's blog carnival.http://

photos taken by me © 2006-2008  all rights reserved


  1. Ohh I looove wakes me up!
    And these pics are beautiful..

  2. Such great photos! And that flower show sounds amazing!

  3. Great pics! That boy looks so calm with that butterfly hanging out on his hand - too cool!

  4. Gorgeous places and events! I love Spring!!!

  5. The photos you chose are stunning! With the current cold front and rain I immediately lost myself in the pictures and wished I was there in them.

  6. those are wonderful! I love the purple spray of flowers and the huge butterfly.

  7. great pictures! I'll have to remember the Cincinnati Flower Show. Maybe my mom and I can take a road trip! She'd love to see that.


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