
Monday, May 4, 2009

Neno's Award

The aim of
1) a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.

2) to seek the reasons why we all love blogging.

This stellar award was presented to me by AlpHa Buttonpusher at INduCed MEtaMoRphOsis. See her post about the award here. And go check out her other blog Push the Button Alpha. Her posts are just incredible. See for yourself! (NOTE: Sqirrel Queen gave AlpHa this award. And that just re-iterates why blogging is rewarding--new discoveries around every bloggy bend.)
REASON: When I started blogging , I had no idea it would lead down such wonderful paths. Sharing a bit of my world is such fun, but interacting with others is a joy. I have met some amazing people, read funny and sad stories, and been inspired through blogland. Here are just a few...
I present this award to:

Dorset Hill Beads (Her Themes For Thursday are awesome!)

Nature With Me

Gardens of a Golden Afternoon a blog I referred to in my post here Hermes writes other wonderful blogs, but you will have to go to this one to find out.

Sharing is the key word here, and the above blogs do just that! They are a joy to read. I am itching to write something about each one, but I will leave the joy of discovery to you.

When you receive this award~
1) Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it, explaining the aim of the award.
2) Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
3) Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
4) Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
5) Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
(or make up your own rules!)

(NOTE: html was NOT being cooperative, so the above blogs are in different colors & sizes. Even the placement is crazy--not at all what it looks like as I sit here composing this. sigh....)


  1. Done, many thanks, a lovely appreciated thought.

  2. So excited to recieve this award from you! You're a sweetheart and I hope this inspries me to be an even better blogger...candice xo

  3. Thank you so much for this award...I so appreciate my followers...I will share this with my blogger friends...
    best to you always...eileen ♥

  4. Thanks so much for the award! I will do my best to post about it this weekend (I'm like Sharla in that I write most of my posts for the week on the weekend before!) I really appreciate it!

  5. Thanks honey for the award...I'm touched...

  6. P.S. Margaret - thank you SO much for the comments on my blog - they made me feel really good!

  7. I am sorry I did not get here to comment sooner. I have been busy these past few days. Thank you so much for the recognition! I am glad that you like to visit my blog, and as you know, I really enjoy yours as well.

  8. Congratulations! How wonderful to be given an award...

    Hope everything is well you way...Bless your heart!


  9. Congratulations on the Award. And BTW, you have been tagged. Come over for details.

  10. Congratulations on your award! I agree that the world of blogging is a lot of fun and I'm enjoying meeting wonderful people like you!


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