
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pay It Forward!

Here is a really cool idea I discovered on Candice's blog Sweet Romance. She says that Karen at~Extroverted Introspection started this. If anyone knows for sure, please inform me. This is such a fun idea! I love the concept of sending someone a little piece of happiness.

So far: Mishcat and GloryBe

Here's how it works: If you are one of the first three people to leave a comment on this post (stating that you'd like to participate), sometime in the next few months you will receive, in the mail, something cool that I've hand~ made~Just For You !!! Come join in the fun! The only request is that you include the above logo on your blog. And on it goes! This should be fun! Leave your comment below and start watching the mail!!! Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you to get your mailing address. (needed to ship your gift) .......Let's see how far we can "Pay It Forward".

Now go check out Candice's blog and etsy shop and lollishop!

And in the spirit of sending out little packets of happiness, I love this quote I read on Savon Shoppe'sblog.

It isn't the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.
~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book byEileen Elias Freeman, 1994

PS: You absolutely must check out the incredible soaps at Savon Shoppe!


  1. That is such a great idea. I did it a while back.

  2. Hello Splendid Little Stars,
    I just wanted to say thank you for following my blog. I really like yours and just sign up to follow you as well.
    Have a great day,

  3. Yes I also did this a while's nice to give stuff away!

  4. I'd love to do this - I think it's such a wonderful idea. My e-mail is - and I promise to pay it forward (or "Paw it forward" as some of the blogging cats say.)

  5. Cute idea.
    You have been tagged.


  6. I am in!!!

  7. You come up with the cutest ideas!

  8. Yippeee!!! I can't wait to get started!!


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