
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


from blogs I read this morning when I couldn't sleep.
Dorset Hill Beads Thoughts for Tuesday
Squirrel Queen A Very Beautiful Thought
and A Thought for Your Day

and one that made me laugh:
Nico designs A bed of flowers

Southern Charm Quilts
May Blog Carnival a day at the beach (long ago)
Sew Inspiring

a curiosity:
TiLT's Creations
Wordless Wednesday

I got a new computer and it has been installed finally, but I am waiting to receive a part before I will be able to access my files. sigh. Also, my mother has not been well at all this year, and looking after her has consumed me. Honestly, I don't know if she will get better. And she had a bad day yesterday and today. So I know I am behind on all my bloggy postings, taggings, and etc. The above posts (along with others I read) brought some joy back in my heart.


  1. Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and I sincerely hope she gets well soon. I'm glad you appreciated my photo and that it brought a bit of joy to your day! Thanks for sharing it with others! God Bless!

  2. glad to be of service :)
    sending hugs & positive vibes your way...

  3. It's wonderful that our blogging friends from all over the world are there to cheer us up when we need it most. Hugs to you and sending prayers your way.

  4. I'm glad your bloggy friends were able to bring a smile to your face :) Hang in there!

    And thanks for the good cooking wishes :)

  5. Keep in there and concentrate on the important things like your Mother, we all understand.

  6. Really sorry to hear about your mom, hope she gets better. I will also be sending positve thoughts and good vibes your way.

  7. I read blogs when I can't sleep too - usually at night. These links are all great, but my favorite was the silhouette photo - that was beautiful!

    And I'm sorry that your mom has not been well - I know it must be really hard for both you and her. Hugs and purrs from me and the cats!

  8. appreciating all your comments so very much! ♥

  9. Just take it easy and spend as much time with your mom as you can....I send a little prayer out for you.♥♥♥

  10. I love that Wordless pic! Thanks for sharing. Hope your week begins to look up.

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I take such joy in reading others (like yours)! Good luck with the new computer, best wishes to your mom, and thanks for sharing some blog faves :)

  12. Hi Margaret
    Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you got some encouragement and I to hope your Mom has some better days that's not and easy job I also took care of my Mom for 3yrs. before she went home and it was God's grace & mercy and a lot of laughter that keep me going.I hope you rest well tonight!
    Love ya

  13. I'm sorry your mom is not well. Thank you for the list of fun places to peek into today. Best wishes for you and your mom.

  14. Just wanted to thank you for you comment on my blog. I also posted the cleaning product recipe in the comments section :). Enjoy!

  15. I read most of the blogs that you listed today! Thanks for your effort to bring encouragement to all of us! Praying for you and your mom.

  16. I am so sorry I haven't been here lately, know your in my prayers ;(


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