
Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12th is...

Diary Day a fun journal from AdyaInternational
Diary Day is in honor of Ann Frank, a young girl who kept a diary while in hiding in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. June 12th was Anne's birthday.

Red Rose Day
photography by midnighteskye
. A red rose signifies love, beauty, courage, and respect.

Peanut Butter Cookie Day (a recipe) These cookies are from busybaker and look exactly like peanut butter cookies should look! YUM! Some fun imaginations on the origin of this day.

Rock Around the Clock Day
a brooch from TimeAndMaterials

Magic Day a greeting card from EvesOriginals
No one seems to know the origins of most of these days, but who cares, any excuse to celebrate will do!
photos are © by individual shop owners. all rights reserved.


  1. I'm so pleased that you included my brooch in this lovely collection! Thank you.

  2. Peanut butter cookies - never seen them over here. Have a great day whatever you decide to celebrate.

  3. Simply Great !!Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  4. Some of these days are really funny - i.e. "Rock Around the Clock Day" (!?) I like what you chose to illustrate them.

  5. Can we make PB cookie day EVERYday? I think we need Cheesecake day too...mmmmm

  6. Lots of fun days! I just noticed a new rose outside. Think I'll make peanut butter cookies!

  7. Great picks! and a fantastic idea of a blog post. Isn't it amazing how many memorial days there are!

  8. So many fun days! I'll have to honor Peanut Butter Cookie Day!

  9. You are soooooo creative! Nice post!

  10. Because our blogs are much like the diaries of old, this is most appropriate!

  11. Yes, Patti, this is so true! I hadn't thought of that!

  12. Thank you so much for including my red rose Photo!

  13. Three cheers for peanut butter cookie day!!!

  14. I just finished reading 2 books on Anne Frank.

  15. how cool - so many "Days" today...
    my son just read Anne Frank - he said he was mad at the way it ended, and that's why he prefers fiction :)

  16. mmmm can you magic one of those cookies over here! lol!

  17. Such a lovely collection Margaret.

    How are you these days?


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