
Friday, June 19, 2009

Summertime....back in the day....

When I was a small child summertimes were glorious. Sun-drenched warm days were spent idly playing with toys, exploring the backyard with my brother, playing with neighborhood kids, riding in the car over the"bumpy way" to eat ice cream with my cousins. Long days melted into cool summer nights alight with fireflies and soft breezes.
My mother and father would pack up the car for a 2 week vacation, first at a farm on the bay, then the beach. There I spent many happy hours rolling in the sand and floating in the water wearing a "ring." I loved the salt water, riding the waves, playing in the sand, just being outdoors.

2 water babies: I am 3 ½ and my brother is 1 ½ in the photos below. In the other 2 photos, I'm 6 ½.

This is for the etsy bloggers street team carnival.

photos © 2009


  1. Great pictures - the sun always shone ...

  2. Wonderful photos - thank you for sharing them with us!

  3. lovely pictures, what an idyllic summer! :D

  4. What a great post about summer...great pictures!

  5. Thanks for sharing your story and your photos :) I could look at old photos for hours!

  6. Wonderful summer memories! Thanks for sharing your story!

  7. Thanks for sharing - those photos are priceless!

  8. The photos look like something that I would find in my dad's photo albums of my sister and I. About the same era! Thanks for sharing!

  9. What a great summer you had In a simpler time. Not a care In the world did we have. Take care..Kathi

  10. It's so super that you have these photos to help remember those glorious days!

  11. Wonderful memories. thanks for sharing the photos!

  12. awww I love the last pic of you guys walking home! How endearing

  13. I always loved that photo. It inspired me to take similar photos of my children.

  14. How sweet! I love the old photos and what nice memories you have.

  15. Love the photography! Reminds me of my own idyllic childhood!

  16. great family photos. I too love the salt water, ocean and beach. I've always been a water-rat. My parents would have to drag me out of the water!

  17. I love the story but for some reason the photos are coming up. I will check back later it could be my connection.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. I could see it all...the setting sun, the water, the waves, the salt water flecked on laughing faces...

  19. The photos are so wonderful, they remind me of my childhood also.
    The last one is so adorable.


  20. you guys look so cute. makes me very nostalgic


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