
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

flower and bee

Trying to photograph an insect is like trying to catch the wind. I was inspired by Squirrel Queen's bee photos on her blog post and by Mackin-Art. And then that very same day, I just happened to see this bumblebee crawling all over the Lantana blossoms, wallowing in its food, sucking lustily. Eating food should be this much fun!
Squirrel Queen has 3 blogs. Do check them out. Her photography is wonderful!
The Road to Here
Through Squirrel Eyes
The Chase for Baja
more about bumblebees:
lots of information-fascinating and
more about lantana:
here and
photo by me © 2009


  1. Gorgeous photo! I love lantana, but it always gets whiteflies - plus it's a noxious weed in places where it's a perennial - but it's still beautiful.

  2. I always enjoy your photos. You manage to make the bee look so pretty.

  3. Great photo, he looks a really busy bee (groan).

  4. The first time I saw lantana was on vacation in California. It was growing in a planter box. I was enthralled. In the small amount of research I've done, I've since discovered that lantana is considered a noxious weed in places where it is a preennial. How sad, for it is very beautiful. Lantana's aromatic umbels (flower clusters) are a mix of red, orange, yellow, pink, lavender, and cream. Sterile varieties have been developed.

  5. WOW Splendid! That's a great close-up. I love lantana - perfect for my window boxes!! Need to go out and get some... that will make me feel better, for sure!

  6. What a beautiful photo. I have bumblebees all over my black eyed suzannes. Have a great day...Kathi

  7. Thank-you so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for the kind visit as I've haven't posted in a while. It's nice to know people still visit even when you're away!!!!~~~Blessings Sweet Friend, Deborah

  8. That is an amazing photo!!!! I love your comment about photographing insects is like trying to catch the wind! How true!

  9. Such a beautiful photo! I must admit I've never try to photograph an insect unless it's on the wall with my cats looking at it! Your photos are always so gorgeous!

  10. What a fantastic shot! You certainly were at the right place at the right time and your skill is amazing!

  11. Incredible close up....and so much better than mine!

  12. Beautiful bee and the lantana is lovely. You caught her wings perfectly. My lantana is in a hanging basket but I never see bees on it, I'm not sure why after seeing your photo.

    Thanks for the shout, I appreciate that. Sorry I haven't been over more the last couple of weeks have been so busy.


  13. You are right about insects being difficult to capture. I take dozens of shots hoping one will be in focus. I haven't quite figured out how to make them be still for a photo. :) But I keep trying.

    Love your blog, by the way.


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