
Monday, August 17, 2009


stroll with me down the streets of Asheville, North Carolina, USA , and get a few small glimpses of what makes this town unique...
In July, my son and I visited my daughter who lives in Asheville.

The Corner Kitchen in the Biltmore Village

a garden shop in an alleyway

on Lexington Street

Early Girl Eatery (see first photo) (NOTE: interesting window display, but restaurant not recommended)

lovely blooming crepe myrtle trees line the streets

a secret respite

mime: There are always street performers displaying their talent

tile on a storefront

old architecture

heavenly truffles from The Chocolate Lounge

few random suggestions from my daughter: RESTAURANTS: Rezaz-can reserve a spot at the chef's table in the kitchen while he cooks a special meal just for you; Enotecca-Italian wine bar & more, great desserts. GROVE PARK INN-has a world renowned spa, can get a day pass. GALLERIES: Blue Spiral, Front, Satellite (downtown), Flood (river arts district where there are many studios that artists will let you walk through if they are there). DRIVE on the Blue Ridge Parkway
PS I was planning on doing a post on Asheville at some point, but hearing that Athena Workman will be visiting for her wedding anniversary in October spurred me on to get it done. I will be doing another post of our hike in the mountains.
photos by me © 2009 except Corner Kitchen which is also ©


  1. Asheville is really nice! My mom has some friends who retired there and they love it. We don't live all that far away, but we haven't been there in years - it looks as if it's really grown.

  2. Lots of fun things to do here! And great recommendations1

  3. Yay, the Asheville post!

    Splendid, do you remember where that alleyway garden shop is? I'd love to peek in there.

    I've eaten at Early Girl. Sadly, not a great meal (it's the only time I've ever choked in surprise because my first bite was so *bland*).

    Thanks for the pix! I can't wait to hit the Chocolate Lounge! :)

  4. what beautiful photo's! Your town looks wonderful - when can I come visit?

  5. One of the places I hope to visit!

    And I can almost taste the last picture.

  6. What a great post - one of the great things about blogging is enjoying such virtual trips.

  7. I've never been to NC, but know a handful of people who've lived or visited there. I've heard nothing but great things. Looks like you had a great trip!!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your Asheville trip! I so love it there! Spent much of my youth there and in surrounding area! Blessings to you!

  9. great stroll...and how cool that she gets a sneak peek b4 her anniversary :)

  10. What a beautiful trip around Asheville! I was there briefly once just to go to the Biltmore Estate but it appears that I need to make Asheville a vacation destination since it's so lovely!

  11. That town looks wonderful!! I love the alley way garden shop and the chocolate...YUMM! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  12. thank you for the tour! Looks like a magical place!

  13. This looks like such a lovely town! Thanks for the little tour :)

  14. Hi, just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I've enjoyed reading your posts today. You have a great blog, and I love your pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them !

  15. The CHOCOLATE LOUNGE??!! I'd never leave!

  16. This city looks very beautiful! I would love to visit it ;)

  17. I love the comment about not eating at the eatery!

  18. I've always wanted to go to Ashville, and this has made me want to go even more! Thanks for all of the tips.

  19. I absolutely love Ashville -- would move there in a heartbeat...

    thanks for sharing

  20. I love your Eatery photo - the comment made me smile: I once went into a sandwich bar in London named Salmonella. Sadly, it was prophetic and I ended up taking a few days off work...


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