
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Tomatoes

I love the sweet abundance of luscious Summer fruits and vegetables. What could be better than than biting into juicy summer love?! Asked to choose a favorite? Impossible! So I will share a delicious recipe that my friend Chrissy recently prepared. I made my own version and it's so simple. Make it to your own taste and use what ingredients you have on hand.
home grown tomatoes
salad dressing (one or 2 of your choice)
balsamic vinegar (optional)
fresh sweet basil (so easy to grow in a pot outside in a sunny/semi sunny spot)
freshly grated parmesan cheese (or parmesan/reggiano)
grated mozzarella cheese (my friend used this, but I didn't have any on hand)
salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Drizzle salad dressing of your choice (about 1-2 T for a 9 x 13 pan) into a baking dish.
Cut tomatoes in half. (If they're really large, you may need to cut them into thirds.)
Place tomatoes cut side up into dish.
Drop about 1/8 -1/4 t balsamic vinegar onto the tops of the tomatoes.
Drizzle more salad dressing (This can be a second variety if you wish.) onto the tops of the tomatoes.
Slightly chop or tear basil leaves and place desired amount on top of each tomato.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Now sprinkle on the parmesan cheese (and mozzarella).
Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.

Here are some links to recipes that I have posted in the past:
Mango Salsa
Artichoke, Tomato, and Pine Nut Tapenade
Raspberry Rubarb Cobbler
Cranberry, Orange, and Pecan Scones with Sweet Chevre Spread

What is YOUR favorite recipe? Is such a thing even possible?! What do you love to eat in the Summertime?
This is for the etsy bloggers' street team carnival which will be published after August 28 by Stormy Designs. Her shop is here.
photo by me © 2009


  1. That actually looks kinda good - and I don't like tomatoes!

  2. Hmmm cheese on tomatoes, now how come I didn't think of that?! :)

  3. This looks delicious! You can't beat the taste of homegrown tomatoes especially with fresh basil.

  4. I love tomatoes and this looks so yummy!

  5. That looks so good. I will try It. I have tons of tomatoes. I make a lot of salsa In the summer. Take care..Kathi

  6. That looks yummy! We've had the coldest summer on record, so the tomatoes are really far behind in the growing season. Don't think I'll get any this year.

  7. Yum, yummy, yum. Homegrown tomatoes are the best. This looks so good!

  8. man i love them tomatos, cant keep em long enuff to cook tho

  9. Sounds delicious! There is nothing better than homegrown tomatoes.

  10. Mmmmmm. I like to put sliced tomatoes on eggplant and put them under the boiler. The cheese melts and yummmyyyy!

    Thanks for taking the time to leave me such great information about the craft show. It is very much appreciated!!


  11. Thank you for this recipe! I have so many tomatoes and need all the recipes I can find to use them :)

  12. That looks Yummy!
    Just let me know if you decide to join in the challenge we would love to have your company!

  13. mmmmm, that tomato looks yummy...

  14. Great! I finally have tomatoes overflowing the kitchen, and have to keep it creative to use them all. Freezing and dehydrating are on my list as well.

  15. Yum! I must try this, it sounds simple and delicious!

  16. Yumm! This looks delish! I will have to try it. I do something similiar, but not cooked.

    When I have some tomatoes that I want to use up quickly (usually cherry tomatoes, but you could cut up large ones) I put some in a bowl along with some zesty Italian salad dressing, torn basil and sometimes a little mozzerella , mix it up and eat it. LOVE those tomatoes!!

  17. Not only does that look yummy, it also looks pretty with the red and green and white colors!

  18. Wow..simple but elegant, and looks so yummy!
    Thanks I am going to try these.

  19. I love simple fresh food...yum!

  20. Wow, sounds delicious!
    I wish you could grow tomatoes here in Finland too, without a greenhouse. My friend got some tiny tomatoes to grown on her balcony, but I've never succeeded in that.

  21. Yummy!!! One of my all time favorites is friend green tomatoes. Love em'

  22. I love eating fruits on Summer!!! your recipe sounds delicious! I´ll try it! ;)

  23. my mouth is watering! lol

  24. Nothing better than tomatoes straight from the garden. And I'm going to try your recipe very soon.

  25. Double yum!! I am going to have to try this! Thank you for sharing!


  26. Mmmm... Looks so delicious and fresh. Anything with tomatoes usually is nice.


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