
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summertime enterprise

What did I do this Summer? Let me tell you!
above photo: Asheville, NC

above photo: Melt Restaurant, Cincinnati, Ohio

left photo: Bonbonerie, Cincinnati, OH See previous post here.

photo on right: L'Escargot Restaurant, Sint Maarten, NA

dinner on our friends' new deck.
I posted a flower from their garden here.

photo below: visited several Farmers' Markets

and attended dear friends' son's wedding (3 more to come this year)!What did I do this Summer? See first photo!

How about you? What did you do this Summer? This one is for the etsy bloggers' street team carnival hosted by Storybeader!

photos by me © 2009


  1. Looks like a great summer :)
    Love that little bright and fun looking!

  2. Looks like a fabulous summer! I enjoyed seeing your photos!

  3. You have been busy. I am glad that were able to take such a lovely vacation...

    Thanks for the heads up about the donation form on the LRCF website. I am updating a previous post with a link for The Lighting the Way Home Gala.


  4. sounds like fun, the pics are great! and wow, what a cake!!!!♥

  5. Seems to be fantastic summer..Great post..Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

  6. That is a gorgeous deck! And the farmer's market photo makes me want to visit the market right now...

  7. What a fun post! I also ate quite a bit this summer :)

  8. Sounds like a busy but fun summer. I loved your "What did I do this Summer? See first photo!" Made me laugh. I was so sorry to hear about your mother (comment you left on another post) - my mother passed away in 2006 and it has been hard. Get plenty of rest and take it a day at a time.

    With love,

  9. wow - that restaurant is so cute! So much to look at! Hope you had fun at the weddings, and thanks for participating in the carnival! {:-Deb


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