
Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Thanks go to AlpHa at Simplify for this fun award!  Do check out her most wonderful blog!

To begin, tell 10 things about yourself that are true:

1.  My daughter was born at home (with 2 midwives).
2.  I love looking through a camera to catch the play of light on an object or to frame a scene just so.  I started taking photos when I was a young child.  I am most proud of a photo I took of my cousins when I was 10.
3.  I love riding my road bike.
4.  I haven't met a craft I didn't like.  2 days ago, I screen printed with my son.
(a little note:  My son and a friend, Nancy, bought screens and equipment, studied the procedures, and made our screens some weeks ago.  Nancy's etsy shop.
5.  I have a degree in zoology.
6.  I am a lover of cats.  My first cat was named Chocolate.
7.  I love to travel to places of beauty.
HERE is one of my travel posts.
8.  I love to read.  When I was young I would read late at night with a flashlight under the bed covers.
9.  I love the beach.

6 years old

10. With a friend, I once created and ran a camp (for 3 years) where we taught children nature, art, science, music, and movement.  It was a blast.

 making seed collages

a guard ant

                                                         a butterfly                              

 each child had their "own" tree which they painted with water colors on paper

1.  Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2.  Share “10 Honest Things” about myself. 
3.  Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4.  Tell those 7 people they’ve been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving. 
And now....(in no particular order)
Squirrel Queen at The Road to Here 
Beaded Tail
photos by me © 2009


  1. How sweet of you to choose me. This reminds me that someone else chose me last week and I have yet to post about it! I am so forgetful!! Hopefully soon.
    Love your photos and loved reading all about you.

  2. Congratulations! I have read all 10 things about you. Now I know a little about you. Like you, I am also a cat and dog lover. I like the beach, I like reading and I like to travel.


  3. hi -- just wanted to thank you for dropping by our blog. I'm not crafty at all, but I love your photos and posts and will learn from them.

    I liked the list of 10 things -- esp. the one about 'reading under the covers at night'. That (for me) was 60 years ago or more, but I still remember how delicious it was. (I'm pretty sure my mother knew about it and just let lme think I was getting away with something ;>)

  4. Congratulations on your award and thank you for thinking of me! I have a lot of the same loves as you - reading, travel, photography, the beach and of course cats! I think Chocolate is a great name for a cat!

    I'll post my award in the next couple of weeks. Things have been busy so I don't want you to think I've forgotten!

  5. What a fun post. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love this entry! It's such a bright peek into who you are--delightful!

  7. Interesting! With you on cats, travel and reading...

  8. Wow, it's good to know all these things about you. Looks like you have a rich and fulfilled life:)

  9. Good to know a little more about you! Congratulation, and the black and white photos are fun to see!

  10. What an awesome post! I loved learning so many more things about you! And of course loved all the old photos :)

  11. Margaret,

    Congratulations on your award and thank you for sharing it with me. I am honored.

    I love your list of ten things, I read under the covers with a flashlight too. We also have camp in common, I was a camp director for several years in GA and AK. The photo of you and the kitty is adorable.

    Have a great weekend,

  12. Enjoyed learning more about you...

    I too got my 1st camera for my 10th birthday... and totally hooked to my camera!

    So you know some of Cape Cod? Where did you vacation?

  13. Finally found the right link =) What a great post! I love learning more about you. Too funny about reading under the covers - and I, too, had a camera as a child =) Love the pictures!


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