
Monday, October 5, 2009

Simon's Cat

 Cat Man Do

Fly Guy

more aboutSimon's Cat
more about Simon

Simon's Cat is written and drawn line by line, by Simon Tofield, an English animator who has a great interest in British wildlife, painting, the great outdoors, and of course cats. In making his films, Simon may have to create as many as 25 drawings per second of animation.  Go to Simon's website to see 4 more films, including one involving a dog.  Go to Simon's website in any case because it is so entertaining!

Please note:  The post for The Brenda Photo Challenge was yesterday's post.

Simon's Cat Ltd. © 2009


  1. aww, I saw these a while back and really enjoyed them. Thank you so much for posting this. It put a smile on my face. :)

  2. Those are just too funny - addicted now! Must see more!! LOL

  3. Those are hilarious! Both of them are so much like things in our house! Made me laugh until I cried!

  4. Too funny! The first one was like watching my cat Lilly!
    Sunny :)

  5. Hi Margaret, the video was funny. I enjoy watching it. Why don't you post for Cats on Tuesdays, it is a Tuesday meme about cats stories and photos. Here is the link:

    Thanks for the visit.

  6. How cute! Hope all is well with you! Have a great day!hughugs

  7. This is SO funny!

    You have a great blog!

  8. I really love "Simon's Cat" - he captures all the little characteristic cat gestures and actions perfectly! And the drawing style is wonderful.

  9. I remember seeing these videos some times ago, but they still bring a big smile onto my face every time I see it again..Thanks for lighten my day!

  10. Great animations!
    Cat man do remembers me my cat, she do the same at the morning... except for the hit fortunately! LOL


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