
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Meet Kathy and Carrie, the artists behind 4 etsy shops and 2 blogs!  When asked a few questions, they replied, "Thank you, we'd love to be featured on your blog." 

How did you two meet?
"We met back in 2001 at our sons' first day of Kindergarten. We became friends instantly and found out that we both love to be creative and decided to put our creative minds together."

Do you make some things separately, some together?
"We really enjoy collaborating on projects and 99% of the time we give each other input on separate projects. We each have our own styles and techniques."

Who manages the shops and blogs?
"We get together every week day and collectively check the shops, fill orders, brainstorm, blog, twitter, Facebook, add ourselves to search engines and most importantly hunt for MoNsTeR bOxEs."

When chosen as the etsyblogger of the month, this was said of CalKat:  "CalKat is Kathy and Carrie.  They're wonderful members of our team -- and have been for the past couple of years. You've probably seen them around -- they've been supporting our team, teammates, and team events and volunteering, too, whenever they can!"


CalKat the Jewelry Junkie

They just love to have giveaways!  As a matter of fact, I won one of their giveaways back in June!  See it HERE and HERE.  It's a beautiful signed sunflower print by Laura Zollar.  Here's Laura's website.


PS: Happy Birthday this month to Kathy!

photos by me and CalKat © 2009


  1. They have some very nice items.

    Hope you have a very Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true.


  2. lovely artist profile! I have really enjoyed following your blog this year - can't wait to see and read about all the lovelies in your life in 2010! namaste, elsie

  3. Hello! Just found your blog - it looks great/. I love profiles such a good way to find other greta blogs and etsy shops...

  4. Great feature! Thanks for the links to their blogs :)

    I wish for you an awesome and productive 2010!

  5. Great Featured Artists!!! Great Featured Shops!!!

  6. Great post, shops and blogs! thank you for sharing that!
    I wish you have a happy 2010 plenty of wonderful things!!! ;)

  7. MoNsTeR bOxEs, what a cool concept! Thanks for sharing this neat shop and information about its creators.

  8. We love your blog! Thank you for the lovely write up...we're blushing!
    Carrie & Kathy


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