
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kitties Who Came to Play

Tigra and Edward Bunk came to play at our house over Thanksgiving!
cute, adorable, bouncy, gallopy, friendly, curious, loving, purry, fresh, fun, hilarious, jumpy, entertaining, sweet, playful

Tigra munches a Casbah felted ladybug!

Bunkie loves his CasbahKitten catnip jellybean! 

My daughter's sweet kitty Cy disappeared a few months ago (Asheville Kitty).  She adopted these two kitties from a shelter about a month ago when they were about 8 weeks old.  We had so much fun with them!  Oliver and Earnest, our 8 year old cats were not thrilled by their visit, but were polite for the most part.

CasbahKitten:  wonderful kitty toys!   I learned about these toys from Beaded Tail, who blogs about her kitties and dog.

photos by me © 2009


  1. Bunkie and Tigra are adorable! CasbahKitten toys are a huge hit in our house too!

  2. the perfect way to start a Wednesday, looking at cute kitties!

  3. They are sooooo cute! Love the little kitties. :D

  4. OMG, could they be any cuter??? I miss having kitties...though I sure love my dog :)

  5. How sweet they are!! We're so glad they enjoy their toys and thanks so much for mentioning us!

  6. Hi there,are you in soldotna Ak area,i think your cat was on my yard a couple of days ago,i was trying to catch the kitty so i can find the owner but the little one run...i know its still around here because i leave outside little bowls of kittens food and next day the food is gone...i really hope you can find your cat...i still keeping an eye on this little one to see if i can see him again...
    a big hug!!!

  7. Aw, they are so cute, I love the first photo. Kittens are so much fun to watch, very entertaining.

  8. Tigra and Bunkie are just a couple of little sweethearts. My little sweetie, Squeaky is jealous though. She's trying to walk all over the keyboard now. LOL


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