
Friday, January 15, 2010

an incomplete retrospective

2009 partially revisited...

The year was like a tsunami, very deeply personally difficult.  I had often thought to write something to explain my absences or lacks of response.  And here I am starting again, yet facing the same inability of expression.
HERE is where I alluded to my mother's illness which began in mid-January.  I was her POA and looked after her and her interests.  She died on June 4.  She was so loved by so many...
In March, we discovered my husband's brother (who lives 1700 miles away) was having mental difficulties~early dementia.  We flew out to visit him and assess the situation which resulted in my husband becoming his POA.  There are heaps of on-going issues here. 
And yet there are even more personally distressing situations and events that occurred in 2009, some of which are ongoing.  But I shall leave it at that...incomplete.
GOODBYE, tsunami!
There were also wonderful aspects of last year.  It is well said in this poem:
For each thorn, there's a rosebud...
for each twilight---a dawn...
for each trial---the strength to carry on,
for each storm cloud---a rainbow...
for each shadow---the sun...
for each parting---sweet memories
when sorrow is done.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, yes, it was a most difficult year, but there have been many rainbows as well. 
I started blogging!  Here's my very first post:  Wintertime Beauty in Ice and Snow!  I even had 3 comments!  I had no idea blogging would be so much fun.  I've "met" the most wonderful people--like you, dear reader!

I started selling in 2 etsy shops, Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park.          

In April, my husband and I went to Phoenix, Arizona for a week.  It was mainly to help out my brother in law.  I did get to spend a day at the wonderful Desert Botanical Garden.  There was an amazing Chihuly (an incredible glass artist) installation throughout the park.

Fish Creek Canyon (above)                                                 Dale Chihuly "The Sun" (right)                                          
I spent uncountable hours at the hospital or rehab visiting my mother, where I met many kind, loving, amazing, wonderful caregivers.
view from a window at the hospital
I saw a lovely rainbow through the windows in the back of my house.
I dreamed by the fire....
 watched spring emerge...
visited our friends in Indianapolis, the same friends as in this POST.   I had fun taking photos of interesting houses and buildings.

taught tie dye classes in various places including a Girl Scout camp!
worked in my garden
snuggled with kitties
visited my daughter in Asheville, North Carolina
attended 4 weddings
made a few crafts
cooked wonderful food
watched the leaves turn colors
enjoyed sunsets
and photographed everything!
What do I want to accomplish in 2010?  What do I look forward to?  What are my hopes and dreams?  Although I may have many ambitions ( I had them last year, too), I know it is the simple things I will enjoy most, good health, and the love of family and friends. Although I will work toward my goals, both business (increasing online visibility, new designs, new projects, organization) and personal (organization, more bicycling, cherishing friendships), I realize that life offers numerous unforeseen events.  So here's to my wonderful and supportive friends, both on and off line!

This is for the etsy bloggers' street team carnival which will be published on Monday, January 18 by Beaded Tail.  Sharla asks us to answer one of these questions:
1) Now that 2009 has come to a close, what will you remember most about last year?
2) Now that 2010 is here, what do you have planned/look forward to/hope to accomplish this year?              
photos by me © 2009 and 2010


  1. You have really had some trying times during 2009, but what amazes me is your positive attitude. Your poem says it all!
    You are like the rainbow high above the clouds. Wish all your dreams come true in 2010.

  2. I'm so sorry about your mom...and the rest of your troubles. My dad passed 10 years ago this year and I miss him still so much. It makes my heart feel better that you are able to revel in the good things in your life, despite the sad ones. A positive outlook goes SO far :)

  3. i started bloggin in aug last year. that's my most memorable one. hope to last for a lifetime.

  4. Margaret, you always amaze me! That's why I love your blog. That and your wonderful photographs! If I was half the blogger you are, I would be happy!

  5. 2009 was quite a year for you. You had several difficulties but you always maintain your positive attitude. You always make me feel better no matter how my day is going through your comments in the thread or your posts on your blog. I'm glad I met you in 2009 and I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you!

  6. We all have our shares of troubles every year. I am so sorry to hear about yours. But hey... 2010 is for us to enjoy it. :)

  7. Wonderful photos - what a lovely way to chronicle the year. I love the poem, too - it speaks to all who have had a tough year. Thanks for sharing and may God richly bless you in 2010 =)

  8. Each year is filled with heartbreak and joy, but you had more than your share of the former last year Margaret. I took a look at your first post and the images are beautiful.

    May the coming year bring you joy and happiness and, if the road gets rough, the strength to face the challenges.


  9. Oh my! Here is a wish that your 2010 is an uneventful year for you!
    Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers today!

  10. Just stopping by to follow and say hello. Friday Follow is so much fun.


  11. Hugs to you! What an inspiring post! Thanks so much!

  12. Here I am...your newest blog follower! Thanks for linking up at Friday Follow. Happy escapes!

    ~ Lynn

    p.s. Wishing you all the best for this year!

  13. I am a new follower from Follow Friday. What a great way to find amazing new blogs like yours! I look forward to reading more!


    Come visit me here!

  14. Hi there! New follower from "Friday Follow"! I'd love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. What beautiful pictures.

    Finishing up from Follow Friday
    Have a GREAT Weekend
    Valerie @

  16. I love seeing your photos from the year :)
    I hope all your dreams and goals for 2010 come true...but you're's the little things that matter most!

  17. Beautiful Photo Essay - Thank you for participating in Friday Follow! I am now a follower from - Rita @

  18. What a beautiful recollection of the past year. I enjoyed looking at your photographs and stirring up memories of my past year.

    I am visiting from Follow Friday. Come visit me as well :)


  19. Mags, A friend sent me that poem on a handmade card with a photograph of bouganvilla taken by her daughter. (

    AlyGatr, Thank you for your kind words! I love your expression “revel in the good things in life.” Revel—what a marvelous word!

    Linda, Wow! What compliments! I am left rather speechless…Thanks so much!

    Sharla, Thank you for such a lovely comment! so heartwarming! As I wrote that post, I knew I didn't want to focus on the heartaches, but they had to be mentioned. And as I wrote, all the lovely moments of 2009 came flitting in like butterflies. There is so much loveliness even in bad times/situations. I'm glad I met you, too!

    Kathleen, It IS a great poem! Blessings to you, too!

    Judy, Thanks! There was joy in 2009, even in the difficulties. I realized that the pain I feel at the loss of my mother is a treasure.

    Audrey, Thank you! Uneventful sounds rather good!
    Joy, Thanks! I thought this would be difficult to share, but in the end, I enjoyed writing the post.

    Memories—little things really ARE the big things after all.

  20. Hi dear girl, So sorry you've had to go through those horrible times, particularly the passing of your Mum. I hope this year brings good things to you and those that you love. And yes, it's the little things...the family and friends...that are the most important.
    ps You have a real gift for writing you know...

  21. Sorry you experienced a Tsunami, the poem is really beautiful. Here's to a wonderful year.

  22. it IS important to look at the wonderful things that happen each and everyday. The circle of life is all around us. Sorry for the loss of your mother; hoping that family and friends are comforting. {:-Deb

  23. I don't think there is anything great to remember about 2009. My grandparents were in the hospital countless times for months combined between the two of them.

    I am looking forwarded to strengthening offline friendships (and online ones too) in 2010

    Here following from Friday Follow :)

  24. Following your blog - "friday follow"

  25. Oh my, you have had so much heartache lately, i do wish for you a good 2010. I love the way you have looked back over the last year & remembered the positives too, a great thing to do. Something i have been doing also. hugs x

  26. YOu had a really trying 2009. I hope its a good one this year.

    Following from FOllow Friday.

  27. What a year you have had, here's to a wonderful 2010 for you!

  28. Love your post! Here's to a wonderful 2010!

  29. Through everything you have experienced you still make time to leave nice comments for the rest of us; you share your gorgeous photographs and stories---thank you and here is to hoping that 2010 will be a blessed one.

  30. Thank you so much for sharing that poem Margaret! You know I've had a difficult year as well...and these last couple of days in particular have been really difficult. Started crying when I read the poem - but I needed the reminder that there are still some good things going on!

  31. Big hugs to you, and I hope this year is a lot kinder to you than last year. I admire your ability to look at the positive in the midst of so many trials! Thanks for sharing a peek at your life with us!

  32. Wow ~ 2009 was a very big year for you. Lots of thorns and roses indeed!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your lovely words. Your blog has some wonderful pictures and stories.

    I will be back! :)

  33. Ups and downs. Hope this year only has ups - and that the kitty snuggles make every day purrfect.

  34. I tend to think that the even years are better than the odd years, but it is awfully superstitious to think this way. Counting blessing in every year definitely keeps us all going!

    Many blessings in 2010!

  35. Beautiful retrospective of your year. How wonderful that you saw Chihuly's work in Phoenix and the tie dye classes look like fun. So sorry to hear about your mother. All the best to you in 2010!

  36. 2009 had a lot of ups and downs for you. I hope things are more even this year. I like that poem you included and will have to copy it down. Enjoyed reading about the beginning of your blogging and your Etsy shop which I will check out later. That Chihuly exhibit looks great and I wish I could see it...checked and it ended in May (we usually go to Arizona once each year). I love his work. 2009 was a transition year for us that is still in husband lost his job and was forced into early retirement at the wrong age. Hopefully that will even out soon. 2010 is a new slate...I hope to quilt more, maybe sell some stuff, do lots of photography, travel short trips, get involved in something worthwhile.

  37. Hey there Im a new follower from Friday Follow


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