
Friday, January 8, 2010

Oregon: SkyWatch Friday

Smoke fills most of the sky in the vicinity of Crater Lake in September 2006...

Due to many lightning strikes earlier in the year, fires are still burning in September and are "ecologically" being managed by the Park ServiceSee a news article HERE.  Because of the hazy sky, it is impossible to see all the way across the lake.  Crater Lake's amazing blueness is visible only near the perimeter.
A gorgeous sunset fills the sky near the Rogue River and Medford.
See skies from all over the world on SkyWatch Friday.  Furthermore, you, too, can participate!
photos by me © 2006  content © 2010


  1. It can be hard to understand that controlled fires have their place in sustaining the environment but not hard to see how the tinge lights up the sky for pretty photos. Enjoyed your holiday posts, the open house party looks like great fun.

  2. I remember the fires that summer. We often see the smoke from the fires in the Cascades and sometimes even smell it here in the valley. The sunset photo is really pretty though!

  3. I remember that fire well, we have friends down in the Medford area. My hubby was born and raised in the Rogue Valley. We met in Alaska just before he moved back to Oregon. He called me and asked me to come down for a visit. He proposed to me on the rim of Crater Lake.

    I love the sunset photo, it is gorgeous.


  4. ooo..Judy! What a great story! Crater Lake is so beautiful. I did get to see it on a clear day--magical.

  5. What a beautiful landscape and the sunset is absolutely gorgeous !

  6. Crater Lake is gorgeous! I have seen many a scene like the first photo, but in California. We had lots of fires and smoke when I lived there. Glad to live in Oregon now!

  7. Scary about the fires! But beautiful photos :)

  8. I visited Crater Lake years ago and thought it beautiful. The smokey skies in your first photo remind me of a time we were camping in Kings Canyon National Park and a forest fire broke out between where we were and the exit ... pretty scary for a few hours until we were packed up and escorted out by park rangers. The second photo is amazing and I'm reminded how beautiful the skies can be when wildfires are raging through Southern California. Thanks for visiting Small Reflections and Happily Retired Gal today. It's nice to meet you ... virtually.
    Hugs and blessings,

  9. wow, i love the orange color of the sky!

  10. Wow! Looks like some of the pictures I have taken here, in San Diego CA! I spotted the craziest sunsets the past few days... I think I'll try the "Sky Watch Friday" thing!

  11. This looks like such a beautiful place. Your second shot with the orange sky is magnificent.

  12. Beautiful place and lovely shots :) love the second one...

  13. I cannot remember what dreadful college class it was but I had to give a brief presentation on the necessity of controlled fires. I was so bored by the class that I really do not remember much!
    But how fun that you can do SkyWatch from so far away.

  14. Beautiful landscape pic. I can see one small bird in flight up there. ;)

  15. Beautiful photos. The sunset with the orange sky is gorgeous.

  16. Beuatiful pictures ! ! !

  17. I've never been to Crater Lake, it looks like a beautiful area. The sunset colors in the second image are amazing. :)

  18. I really don't like fires, but I understand the reasons for letting them burn naturally. I always worry about the animals.

    Thank you for an informative post, beautiful photos, and for visiting my blog, too. I love the title of your blog.

  19. The power of wildfires is scary. I understand their place in natural ecology, but I'm not anxious to have any first-hand experience.

  20. Utterly gorgeous photos. So warm and beautiful. Thank you.

  21. That's why we have such amazing sunsets in Malaysia - it's because we're burning down our jungles all the time!

  22. Interesting photos and information about the fires. One good thing that comes with smoke is an amazing sunset. Your sunset photo is beautiful.

  23. I really love the sunset! The sky is so majestic.

    I have never been to Crater Lake and blogging has brought me everywhere!

  24. I love this area of OR. After living in SO CA for so many years, I don't miss fires, mudslides or earthquakes. But I do miss the mountains, and would love to come back to visit this part of OR again.

    Happy New Year, Splendid Woman. 2010 is going to rock for all of us.

  25. I am not in the Rogue Valley, but am near there, and I remember those fires as well. We rafted the Rogue several years ago, and that was a wonderful experience!

  26. I've never experienced a wind chill of -60, and I hope I don't have to!
    I love Zion, too. We've hiked part of the Narrows, and part of the Subway, and hiked in some other areas of the park as well. There is much to see.


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