
Sunday, February 21, 2010


This is a color photo!  taken on Tuesday, February 16 out my kitchen window.  The longest icicles are about 4 feet.  By Wednesday, we have about 2 feet of snow on the ground, more than we usually get all winter, and a record amount for February.
photo by me © 2010


  1. Those are *definitely* killer icicles!

  2. I've never seen icicles that long! They're like stalactites!

  3. The longest on my house were 4-5 feet. I've seen longer ones. They can be dangerous if they fall on you or damaging if they pull the gutter off the side of the house.
    However, they ARE very pretty!

  4. those are amazing, beautiful, and kind of scary-all at the same time!

  5. Wow!!
    Never seen before so long :-)
    Unique shot ...


  6. I don't recall ever seeing any icicles that long before but then again, I haven't even seen snow yet this year! We had the 4th warmest January ever and February is shaping up to be the same way.

  7. Here's hoping you get blue skies soon :)

    4' icicles!!! Wow!

  8. sweet shot! That is the color palette I see outside right now too :P

  9. The quintessential gray day. Do you think the last days of winter are drab so we will appreciate spring all the more?

  10. Great photo! I wish we could have had some of that snow here! Like 'beaded' said, We've had a warm Jan and Feb. (I just live an hour or so north of her!)

  11. Wow ~ those are some crazy long icicles! I would be keeping far away from them! Ha!

  12. What a great photo! I feel like I am back at a cave we have gone to a few times. Wouldn't one of those suckers to fall on me!


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