
Monday, February 15, 2010

One World One Heart winner! (our dreams)

I'm excited because  I actually "know" the winner of my One World One Heart giveawayAnd it was one of the early entries! (random number generator at end of this post)

I've had so much fun on this magic carpet ride--meeting new folks, seeing amazing artwork, hearing from "old" friends, discovering wonderful new blogs.  I can't wait to go back and visit you!

The winner is....Erika of Nico Designs!  Congratulations, Erika!  She has a fabulous SHOP and is a member of the wonderful etsy bloggers' street team.

I asked for a dream, big or small, and this is what Erika said:
I like how you explained the process.  
My dream?  I want to own our DREAM house:) Maybe one day!
I truly loved reading your dreams!  I can relate to so many of them.  I'm sure these dreams resonate with many of us--travel, time to create, a beautiful studio, homes, families, jobs, health, engaging and meaningful work.  Take a few moments to peruse these.  Here are all of the dreams you reported:

to work the earth around my house to have beautiful flowers and tasty veggies.

I want a house of my own, with a big porch! One that faces not sunup or sundown, but lets me watch all the changing light. And I'll lay out large sheets of flat paper, and paint the shadows of the branches as they change....

to get our house updated one day

to have a cabin in the woods and a place on the beach too!

I would dearly love to swim with dolphins...

to get healthy this year

to raise two independent, smart, loving little girls who will become independent, smart, loving women

to someday live on the coast - I just love the ocean

to visit New Zealand to be able to finally meet my husband's family in Central America...we are hoping to go in June...

to adopt a child :]

I was hoping to go spend my 45th birthday with my daughter...she's at college in another state.

a summer house with an ocean view and a trail to the beach

to curate an exhibit of the 20th century as seen through my more than 3,500 ashtrays that I have collected over the past 15 years

to one day open a little retail shop with my friend. We would call it "Candles and Caffeine". In our shop, we would have a little cafe, offer candle making classes and sell our candles.

to actually making money off of my jewelry business :P

to visit New Zealand to be able to finally meet my husband's family in Central America...we are hoping to go in June...

to create with polymer clay all day long

Right now more than anything I would want my husband to get a job. We so need that little help from God.

to be self-employed some day! It might be a big dream...but I hope it's one that comes true someday!

to own a house some day down the road

to travel the world, esp. Europe!

if I could just laugh again in a relationship.....laugh and be happy...

having time and space to just create endlessly...

to own my own home with enough space for a studio and a great kitchen to spend all of my time making art and being with my kids- no 40 hour a week job!

to one day display my art at our local art gallery!

to meet Stevie Wonder someday

to visit Australia someday!

to have a house big enough to have a dedicated arts and crafts room so i know exactly where everything is!

to go to the coast of scotland with my boys!!

to become a good photographer

a country house next to a river

to visit Holland in the near future

traveling to Italy

to some day walk where Jesus walked

I dream of getting a book published.

I've always wanted to be a National Geographic photographer.

to have more energy to someday see/watch horses in the wild

to be more creative

a big art studio!

to have the time and energy to workout regularly and get fit...

My main one is the road to all of the others, and that is to return to good health so that I can pursue my passions.

to be happy for as long as I can!

to travel to Ireland one day:-)

I dream of not dreaming alone anymore... :)

to one day make a living doing what I love and maintain my creative life

My dream is to create "The craftroom/art studio of my dreams".  In fact it´s my new year promise this year :)

to have a family of my own; and if that doesn't happen then perhaps to go and live somewhere like Australia!!

I have three wonderful boys who are now young men...and I dream that they will marry happily and I might have a granddaughter someday to spoil.

I would love nothing more than to build our dream home!   We love our property/location...but not the home so much.  We need more space!!!

to travel to Spain, Chili, France and Italy where I have relatives.

I dream of sunny warm days and sitting in the sunshine at the beach.

to be a published author!

to someday write a book

to help people open up to the art that is inside of them

to hopefully one day own our dream house!

I dream of owning my own tea room someday!

One of my dreams is to buy the house next door so we can expand our veg and fruit garden as well as the chicken run. Maybe enough room for a pair of dairy goats. And be able to grow, make, and preserve more of our food.

to be wholly happy just myself and not need validation of others!

to be able to make a living sell my artwork:)

I am dreaming of a little house near the ocean....

I dream of creating a more sustainable existence for my family.

My dream is that hubby can find a Great Job this year!

to travel to many wonderful places both here in the USA and to foreign countries to take a bunch of photos

for things to get better for everyone, and to be able to retire to be able to walk again without pain. Currently I use crutches for short jaunts (5-10 minutes) and a wheelchair for longer ones. It is a dream that I know will come true! :)

I dream of one day having a mid arm or long arm quilting machine, I make charity quilts and it would help so much.

to get a driver's license one day

I'm dreaming about to have a little gift store *_*.

I've always dreamed about being a good singer and I'm on the way of achieving it:)

to have a biiiiig vegetable garden when we finally move to our little cottage in France in a year's time

I dream of writing and publishing a book someday.

I dream of writing and publishing a book someday.

to visit the Fjords of Norway with my husband. He lived there for a couple of years as a young adult, and I've always wanted to go--I'd love to go with him.

I dream of making a difference. Interpret that as you wish!

My Dream ~ For OWOH to continue in all our Hearts forever by being kind to someone each and everyday.

to travel to foreign countries and possibly live overseas for awhile

to have half the talent of those I have seen along this ride

to be good enough to sell my photos!

I dream of writing professionally instead of working the 9-5!

I dream of having a job which allows me to travel to be successful :)

to do something to make the world a more beautiful place

to give up my night job

to travel back to Europe one day and explore the small towns

to record a CD! :)

I would love to work in Italy


  1. Congratulations to Erika! I hope her and everyone's dreams come true!

  2. Congratulation Erika!!!!

  3. Congrats Erika!!!

    What wonderful dreams everyone has!!!

  4. Congrats! Owning a home truly is something many of us take for granted. I wish you many blessings Erika!

  5. Erika! Yay for you! Congratulations!

  6. big CONGRATS! this giveaway has been such a blast! thank you for sharing this fun! :)

  7. Thank you for sharing all those dreams! It was wonderful to read :)

  8. yeah! Thank you.

    Sily me, we do own our home--I want our DREAM home:)

  9. Congratulations Erika!

    I really enjoyed reading everyone's dreams, may they all come true.


Your comments make my day! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!