
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coffee Pot People

Meet Anitra, the artistic talent behind Coffee Pot People.  No, that's not she on the left, that's Harold Angel ("you know," she says, "the one who sings!")  Anitra grew up in a most creative family--photographers and writers.  She has always "believed in personal creativity as a condition of being human, rather like the ability to think."
"Coffee Pot People came to life as the result of an estate sale find.  An upside-down coffee pot revealed an obvious nose.  Nothing would do after that but to take it home and find the rest of its face.  Several dozen individuals later, Anitra still delights in finding the upside-down personalities within coffee pots, and letting them tell her who and what they are..."

Kooshi (right)

Not only does Ani create these wonderful people, she photographs them  as they go about their adventures.  (CARDS)  What fun! 
And then there's her delightful BLOG where you can feast your eyes on the coffee pot and tea kettle people who reside on the sidelines.  
1.  Go have a visit with Rachel, Gardening Fiend.  
2.  There is a 3 part series of wonderful artworks from a recent art show where she exhibited.  It is SO worth taking a peek!
3.  Magnetic Personalities 
4.  I will leave you to make more bloggy discoveries on your own.

Ani is a member of the etsy bloggers' street team as am I.  Some of us are working on journals during March to swap at the end of the month.  My journal will be making its way to Oregon and into Ani's hands.

Find Anitra:
Coffee Pot People SHOP
She has one more SHOP--a destash shop, Ani's Watersprite.

PS:  I love her  newest product line! 

Oh, and she writes tutorials for Think Crafts.  See some HERE.

photos © 2007-1010 by Anitra Cameron


  1. What a wonderful feature on Anitra and all her fun Coffee Pot People!

  2. What a great feature :) Her work is so fun!

  3. what a great post about Ani! I love her Coffee Pot People and all the other little critters that come alive in her studio! {:-D

  4. Great feature! I love Ani's Coffee Pot People--she is so creative and imaginative it would be fun to see her shop in person.

  5. I just adore her work! Her shop is on my "buy like crazy if I win the lotto" list :P

  6. Wow! Thank you so much for this wonderful write-up! I'm smiling all over my face. =oD

    And thank you to everyone else, for the delightful comments. I didn't know. So lovely to hear.

  7. Those are beautiful!

  8. These are so delightfully whimsical ... so creative ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,


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