
Friday, June 4, 2010

a treasured grandma

One year ago today, a special light left this world, and left us with dark holes in our hearts. Yet from the sadness deep within, we recognize the love and beauty of a life well lived that was shared with us so graciously.  Our hearts are sworn forever to share this love with others.  Could there ever be a more wonderful grandmother than Grandma Cherry?

A grandmother has a lovely way
of bringing joy to every day
by finding thoughtful things to do
to show the love she has for you . . .
(poem found online, unattributed)

The two grandparents who were alive when I was born, died when I was very young.  I never fully enjoyed the "grandparent experience."  But I was blessed to see the relationship between my mother and my children as it grew and developed over the years.  Oh how my kids adore their Grandma!
Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. 
~Author Unknown

This epitomizes Grandma Cherry.  She was always thinking up fun things to do, giving little "treasures," and making home-made cookies.  YUM!  (She was known for her cookies which were plentiful!)  She was full of love and fun. 
Our hearts rejoice that we had this treasured person in our lives for so longWe can only hope to live up to her legacy
Her creed:
love the people you love
be content
have fun!
Cherry  Pie early photos
Cherry Pie photo at age 6; origin of her name
a great poem
This is for the etsy bloggers' carnival which will be published on Monday, June 7 on Joey and Aleethea's BLOG
photo by me © 2010


  1. very fitting and very loving! thanks for the reminder, I was swept away with the "business" of today. I will think of her tomorrow, the one year anniversary when she returned to her home, from whence she came.

    what a loving and loved person!

    her son in law, Time

  2. What a lovely heartfelt post.

  3. What a lovely post. I still miss my Granny, who died in 2007. She had a true, beautiful smile.

  4. A lovely tribute to a very special grandma. Sounds like she was fun to be with. She's an inspiration to new grandmas like me. :)

  5. Lovely post and I miss my grandmother dearly too!! Life just isn't the same without her.

  6. Sending you ((((hugs)))) and purrs! - I know the anniversary can be difficult. Your "Cherry Pie" post were such wonderful tributes - and so is this one.

  7. indeed grandmas are such loving ones.

  8. Thanks, everyone! Your comments mean so very much to me.

  9. Such a lovely post Margaret. This is a beautiful tribute and I'm sure this anniversary is a tough one but it's wonderful you have such special memories. Hugs to you!

  10. Hi there. You have a splendid blog here. Grandma Cherry sounds like a wonderful person. I was blessed with a wonderful grandma too and they give us such fond memories to hang onto. She really shaped and influenced my life more than she would ever now.
    I am not so crazy about the snake though. LOL!
    Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Lovely post, Margaret. It inspires me to be a better grandmother, although it is really hard when I have so many---23 with two more on the way! Just spending a little time with them is good too! They all understand that I love them all! Thanks for the post!

  12. I was lucky enough to know all four of my grand-parents and I remember them all very fondly. When I think of each one, the first things that comes to mind is love. I lost my last grandmother about five years ago on my birthday. In many ways, I was more than just a granddaughter to her, I became like her daughter. My husband and I spent the last eleven years of her life taking care of her when she needed us.(She was also very independent:))

    Your tribute to your grandma is very heartfelt and beautiful. I am sorry that she is no longer in your life, but I know that she is still with you.

    Thank you for sharing your grandmother with us!


  13. Wonderful post! I still have one grandma, she is 93, blind but still knits almost every day! Amazing woman!!

    Rhubarb Pie:
    I usually wrap the pie in saran wrap then in 2 plastic grocery bags (my son brings them home LOL) and put them in the freezer. I have often found a pie at the bottom of the freezer the next year, defrost it and it's great! They seem to last a really long time.

  14. You Mama was such a treasure!

    Your mention of the cookies she baked put me in mind of a poster my brother gave our Grandma once. She always had cookies for us, too. The poster had a line drawing of a grandma in a rocking chair, and this little verse:

    Some grandmas have limosenes,
    And the biggest rings you've ever seen,
    But my grandma is best by far,
    For she has got a cookie jar!

    Sounds like Grandma Cherry, too!

  15. Sorry about your Grandma. I miss mine too. They are very important people and mine had such an impact in my life.

  16. This is a very beautiful post and a lovely tribute to your grandma.

  17. A very warm and loving tribute, to be so loved, what a wonderful legacy.

  18. How nice ! and I will become a grandma in November !!


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