
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Art of Sleeping

by Earnest
The stairs are my most favoritest place to cat nap.  I especially like this step.  It is part way up and part way down.  I am happy to spend most of every day right here.
Where do you most like to sleep?
Cats on Tuesdays is hosted by Gattina on her blog My cats and funny stories.  Post about your cat(s) and link up!

photo by me © 2010


  1. Fave places in our house include: our bed, both sofas, the top of the stairs, and the treadmill.

  2. LOL! The treadmill is the perfect place for a nap!

  3. On my human slaves where it is warm and there is always a chance of treats.

  4. We have no kitties, but my Goldie would say "anywhere that has cool tile or where my Mom will trip over me"

  5. Ahhhh what a pretty step kitty. I wish I could sleep that peacefully.
    Madi and Mom

  6. Haha! Oh those kitties ~ why do they love sleeping on the stairs?? Banjo sleeps right in front of the top stairs. One has to be careful stepping over him to get downstairs ~ funny kitties!

    Have a lovely day Margaret!
    xo Catherine

  7. Stairs are cat-size couch. Very comfortable. :)

  8. oooo...I love all these comments! They're wonderful!

  9. If they aren't climbing the stairs their sleeping on them. This is what I love about cats. They think they can do anything they want to, and they usually do!

  10. Perfect spot for a cat nap :)

  11. Oh Ernest, you are so cute! We don't sleep on the stairs cause our big sisfur Sadie might step on us. We do like sleeping on beds (both kitty and beans' beds), on Sadie's pillow, on the couch, on our mommy and daddy's laps, on the dining room chairs, in the closet, actually, we pretty much like to sleep anywhere!

  12. I notice that white cats choose the most funniest places and poses to nap ! I could make a book with my Arthur, lol !

  13. How cute you are sleeping in such a comfortable spot! Adorable moment!
    I'm always happy sleeping in mommy's bed mainly in these hot days here in Europe!
    purrs and love
    your friend

  14. This is cute cat ! cat visitor, she always sleep on the chair next to me. And she is with my husband, she has a nap on top of my husband's clothes : )

  15. great photo! Looks very comfortable!

  16. So beautiful; I just love white cats--have had 4 myself. And, so sleep on a stair, that's new to me.

  17. There's just something so peaceful about watching a cat sleep. Earnest is such a handsome cat!

  18. I've never seen a cat sleeping in a stair step before. It looks comfortable though, cute picture!


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