
Friday, August 27, 2010

Kindergarten memories

When I was a child I walked to kindergarten which was about 2 1/2 blocks away from my home.  Here are a few memories of that time:
"napping" on a blanket and looking at posters
looking for mica in the playground soil
reading a note as I walked that said my friend Ellen could come to my house to play after school.
show and tell--I remember showing this cool new toy.  It was a little man who climbed up and down a ladder depending on how you tilted it.

This is for the etsy bloggers' team carnival which will be published on Monday, August 30 by team member Punky Jane
PS:  I remember my mother taking photos on the first day of school.  I have looked and looked but cannot find them.  I also searched online for that toy mentioned above, but was unable to find it.  sigh.....


  1. Oh, I wish I could remember kindergarten! I have some pictures, but the only memory I really have is a vague one of eating ginger snaps. I think it was the only time in my life (until adult-hood) that I ever had them.

  2. I hope you find some pictures and the little toy!! But, then, memories are a wonderful thing, even if you don't find them!!

  3. I remember a few things from kindergarten: saying a prayer before we had our milk and graham cracker, my girl friend in a dragon costume with a long tail for halloween, riding stick horses on the playground and a farm display with wooden animals. Thanks for jogging my memory. - Margy


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