
Thursday, December 2, 2010

....journal and journey....

In its essence, journaling opens doors to the creative soul within.  It is a journey. 

journey:  the act of traveling
journal:  the recording of travels:  an exploration of one's adventures, thoughts, inspiration, interests, observations, creativity 
Much can be said about journaling, but that is not my purpose here.  I am presenting some snippets only.

When my son was in 4th grade, the teacher had the students write in a journal everyday.  They could write about any topic and draw pictures, too. 
 a bit of a page from one of his journals
When my daughter was young, she and I shared a small book in which we would write back and forth to each other.
drawing by my daughter from this book 
Last year, I made a journal for a friend who is outreach and education director for an organic farm.
front cover
 a few pages
Earlier this year, the etsybloggers had a journal swap.  We were to journal every day for a month.  This LINK states each day's topic.  Judy, a team member, describes her experience and her feelings about her completed book.  "Definitely not perfect, but a good lesson for me to learn acceptance of imperfection; life is too short to agonize over small things!"  Read more about Judy's experience and see some pages from her book HERE.

Here's a photo of a journal in progress.  I've been working on this for quite a while.  (It's almost finished!  winks to A!)  
This is a fun weekly meme, under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  This week, our letter is "J."  Come and join HERE. You will be amazed at all the bloggy goodness to be found! 

photos by me 2010 


  1. I am in total agreement. So much history can be kept, creativity encouraged and emotional clutter worked through.

  2. I've never been a very consistent journaler, although, I suppose blogging is keeping a journal of sorts. Even keeping a mileage journal for my taxes is, well, taxing to me! Your journals are beautiful.

  3. I love journals, notebooks and diaries! It is what we did before blogging! And it is still a viable way of documenting the passage of time.
    Lovely post.
    Best wishes,
    Anna's J-post(Jenny)

  4. I have made several short lived attempts to write a journal, but never managed to sustain it for longer than a couple of months. Which is why I was so surprised to find myself writing a daily blog, which I enjoy enormously :)

  5. I still have a journal where Mr. G and I left notes for each other when he was working during the nights and I the days and we didn't have a lot of time together.
    It's so funny to read now !

  6. I'm big on journals myself.



  7. I love journals and the journal swap really helped me enjoy them even more. I have a hard time being creative with them since I don't want to "mess" them up! That last photo shows creativity in process and I'm envious of that!

  8. Journal writing has always been a big part of my journey. Great post!

  9. I used to journal in college. I love the ways you have been journaling. Maybe I should start one with JDaniel.

  10. I love looking at journals but can't keep one. I guess it's because I write fulltime.

    And now I've cunningly brought the comment round to ME :-) .... my romance novel Blackmail Bride is out!

    It's in Kindle, B&N and Sony ebook format as well as PDF. Check out the blurb and first chapter at our blog 10% goes to Friends Furry Farm, a no kill animal sanctuary.

    Tell all your friends please? BB has a dog in it, a yellow one called Terror!

  11. Just to be on the safe side, I bought a journal yesterday to use as a guest book for the Guild's annual art show and sale. Turns out that someone else already had gotten one. So now I am the proud owner of my first ever journal. Now what do I do with it????

  12. I've been journaling since a child, sometimes in notebooks, sketch books or pretty books. Now I blog, which for me is quite frequently like journaling. These journals are all very nice. I especially like that your children got to learn this art.

  13. Great post! Journal writing really is a great way to keep memories alive, especially with our little ones who grow so fast!

    Visiting via Alphabet Thursday!


  14. I love the idea of journaling, and hope everyone had fun in the journal swap. The Alphabet Thursday looks fun!

  15. What fun projects! I love that you shared one with your daughter :) A forever treasure!

  16. You remind me that I need to go dig out my journals and write in them! Haven't done this in a while! Thanks!

  17. I like Sharla's comment--"creativity in process", as I've been sitting here staring at the page, thinking, "Ooooh. What will that become?"

    I loved the snippets from the other journals, too. What a lovely idea to share one with your daughter!

    By the way: No worries!

  18. i love the idea of a shared journal ... that is totally cool!

  19. Thanks for the comment on my post about boundaries. I wrote some journal-like posts last June, I think before you and I started commented back and forth. If you are interested as to just why I divorced myself from my family. Scroll down to June 3, "The Road Home." There are seven posts, each a chapter.

  20. What a wonderful stop.

    I write every single day...some of it is journalling, some fiction, some venting, some poetry.

    It is so interesting to go back and read things I felt strongly about a few years back.

    Thanks for a thoughtful and thought provoking link.

    This was a great post.


  21. Those are some of the most beautiful & creative journals I've seen!
    The ones between you & your children are such treasures!!

  22. Thankfully I have friends who also create one of a kind journals and generously give them as gifts! We do that for our extended trips and later bring back memories along with the photos.

    Your journals are lovely and I bet much appreciated by the recipients!

  23. I love journaling too! It's the perfect way to record all those moments in your life. Plus, when you go back and read some of the previous entries, you notice that you've grown a lot. In my opinion, journaling is a great gift to oneself :)

  24. Very cool! My daughter and I shared some journaling moments, too =)


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