
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

tiny turtle

found this teeny tiny turtle in my driveway a couple years ago.  It was truly the size of a US quarter!  It may have grown up to look like this ↓
box turtle care LINK
Eastern and Western (USA) box turtle information

This is a fun weekly meme under the direction of Jenny Matlock.  You, too, can join in the fun!  This week our letter is "T."  Visit all the other wonderful entries HERE.

photos by me ©  2008


  1. When I was a child I always had a turtle - they had a very high mortality rate.....

  2. He is so cute. It reminds on the rhyme about the little turtle that lived in a box.

  3. Turtles were my favorites when I was growing up...turtle anything! So cute!

    I had a few of the little turtles that were sold in the pet shops...I think they stopped selling them for years and years, cuz of the possible salmonella or bacteria associated with them.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  4. omgosh that is just too cute!!! i love turtles!

  5. My children always have small turtles like this one as pets. We get them at the pet shop, but then the price jacked up so high that we had to stop!

  6. That is an amazing Turtle! I like Turtles too :)

  7. What a sweet little fellow! Just a work of caution, though--turtles can carry salmonella, so please, everyone, don't let your young child handle one. And always make everyone wash their hands afterwards!!!

  8. Funny Judie should say that, I was just going to tell you I got Salmonella when I was a kid. We always played with the turles that came out after the rains on the dirt road behind our house. I almost died from it!~Ames

  9. Always got excited to see or find a turtle when we were kids. Never even a sniffle from handling them, even now as an adult. Last year I stopped on a 4 lane road to rescue one crossing the street. Just helped it over to the side and into the pond it seemed to be heading for. I think it smiled!

    As children, if we found a turtle where we lived in New England, our mother would write the date in magic marker on the bottom of their shells in case we were lucky enough to find it again!


  10. Awww, that's such a cute tiny turtle! I've never seen a turtle that small before :)

  11. you won my heart with this post. T is a great letter! Have fun in the Caribbean - maybe you see a bunch of swimming turtles?! {:-D

  12. My children had turtles when they were small. I don't recall what happened to them...the turtles , not the

  13. My boyfriend had a snapping turtle for quite a few years until it started trying to "snap" the grandchildren..

    Not sure what happened to it...


  14. my kids love to find turtles and for some reason the smaller they are the more fun they are for the kids.

  15. What a terrifically cute tiny turtle link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "T".

    My kids found some tiny ones like that years ago...they were always just adorable!

    Thanks for the smile and the happy stop here today.


  16. They do grow a lot out in the wild. :) Cute.

  17. What a wee thing! I have yet to come across a turtle. What a great eye you have to notice him.

  18. This is so cute! I've had to pull over on the road to pass by turtles, but have never seen one so tiny! I'll have to keep my eyes open on my walks in the spring.

  19. What a cute little turtle! Hopefully s/he is living a lovely life with family and friends! ;)
    xo Catherine


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