
Monday, March 28, 2011

Mystic Wynd

An awareness of peace and love rose anew,
As the spirit found truth and the Mystic Wynd blew…
It spoke with a voice the heart at once knew,
The wisdom of sages, resounding and true.
Poetic words written by Karen, express her spirit which is reflected in her blog and her works of art and craft.
Come now.  Meet Karen  "...pull up a chair, get comfortable, and share a part of [her] world..."

First let me introduce you to her BLOG, appropriately named Mystic Wynd.  Karen likes to write about a variety of topics, sharing her thoughts and ideas about life and the world.  She often enjoys illustrating her "ramblings" with products.   Listen to this!  "Spring is just around the corner, and here in the deserts of South Central Arizona, we don't really have that springtime thaw to wait for, or that first blade of green grass to tell us that spring is on its way. So how do we know spring has arrived? Lizards." 
(I love this banner!)
Now come visit her 3 shops!
Mystic Wynd: "Embrace your spirit of fashion with jewelry and gifts for your every mood!"  This shop has such a variety, you must go see for yourself!

Mystic Wynd Elegance:  "You want your special day to reflect your joy and excitement..."

The Crafters' Cabinet:  supplies and destash

You can also find Karen in the following places:
Handmade Spark 
Creating the Hive
Karen was chosen as the etsy bloggers' blogger of the month for March.  If you have a blog and a shop on etsy, follow the link and come join this fun team.

photos by Karen of Mystic Wynd © 2010-2011


  1. My husband (He's a Yankie) says Arizona is god's country. Would love to see it!

  2. Hey! I'm from Arizona! So I will certainly be checking out Mystic Wynds!! Thanks for the comment on my post!!

  3. Well would ya look at that!!! I hopped over from Jenny's place and now I get to meet two bloggers for the price of one. Oh goodness to glory, this Ozark Farm Chick just loves a great deal! :o)

    God bless ya and have a most wonderful day...I'm off to feel the Mystic Wynd on my face.........

  4. Thanks so much for such a thoughtful feature of my shops! It's been such an amazing honor being the blogger of the month - I think my favorite part has been seeing what items people are sharing from my shop! It's great being team mates with so many wonderfully kind and talented bloggers!


    MysticWynd on Etsy
    Mystic Wynd

  5. Mystic Wynd, I love that name. The red bracelet is so pretty, I'm going to have to go over for a visit.

  6. Beautiful. Going over for a visit now.


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