
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vacation-Cayman Islands

See the line of white foam near the top of the photo?  That's a coral reef.  The deeper blue above is the sea. (arriving Grand Cayman)
tranquility, snorkeling, warmth, sea breeze, beauty
gazebo and beach: Mango Manor, Cayman Brac 
sunset view from our table at Macabuca Restaurant at Cracked Conch
There are 3 Cayman Islands, a British Overseas territory, located in the Western Caribbean Sea south of Cuba. 
Cayman Brac: 14 square miles, 1500 residents (Brac is Gaelic for bluff.  There is a cliff, a bluff, that runs through the center of the island from the West at sea level, rising to about 140 feet at the Eastern end.)
Grand Cayman:  88 square miles, 48,000 residents  (Known for Seven Mile Beach and Stingray City.  We did get in the water with @ 50 stingrays swarming us.  They were like puppy dogs, wanting to be petted and fed.  We took a wonderful boat trip with Stingray Sailing-- LINK)
a little note:  residents pronounce Cayman with emphasis on both syllables.   Kay'  man'
LINK  to Cayman Islands information
Come join in the fun at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole fun!  See more entries HERE.  This week our letter is "V." 

photos by me © 2011  (except maps which have their own copyright)


  1. What a lovely place to vacation.

  2. I totally agree with Donnie! It does look wonderful!

  3. Gorgeous VACATION place! Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy V Day!

  4. Such a beautiful place to vacation! There's 48,000 residents and not one of them is me? Dang!

  5. How pretty...

    I really need to go there one day...

  6. Great choice for the theme. I would prefer a vacation any day over just about anything but eating.

    Thanks for the visit.

  7. J is for Jealous which I totally am! Enjoy. :)

  8. I would have never known that streak was a corral reef . Interesting. scuba diving would be something I would like to do

  9. I see you did Vacation, too! And what a wonderful vacation and photos you have shared. I must say, the coral reef beats the rocks and the beach sand sure looks more inviting than the Mud...that's the Lake Mud and Rocks in Texas. Thanks for visiting today for the Letter V.

  10. What a fabulous place to visit. Thanks for the vicarious vacation!

  11. Ahhhh. How did you come back?

    I have been to Grand Cayman as part of a cruise. It was overcast and actually pretty cool so there was no enjoyment of the water!

    I bet you had a lovely time.

  12. that top photo is amazing, how the coral and sea looks from the air {:-D

  13. Now I have some new images to bring to mind when I need to find my 'happy place'. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

  14. What a gorgeous vacation spot! Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos.

  15. Looks like a great vacation. What beautiful photos! It looks like a wonderful spot to relax.

  16. great place for a holiday trip

  17. Okay, I was jealous enough when you said you were going. Now that I've seen pictures...I'm doubly jealous!
    The photos are gorgeous :) Glad you had a great time!

  18. Margaret, I'm glad that you had a great time! You're photos make me jealous!

  19. Until now, I'd only heard of the Caymans. Thank you for sharing, looks like a hard time leaving!

  20. That looks like paradise ! did you leave your millions there, lol ?

  21. Wow. What a veritable paradise to take a vacation.

    I can almost, almost imagine myself there...with a nice lounge in the shade, with my drink in my hand wearing my swimsui...


    I'll just visit vicariously through you and this vivid post on Alphabe-Thursday's letter "V".

    Thank you for linking.


  22. Thank you for visiting my blog today, I appreciate new viewers so much. Your vacation spot looks so wonderful, that warm sand would feel so nice. The beach looks awesome. Have a wonderful trip.

  23. the shots are magical looking...

    thanks for the treat,
    fabulous V take.

  24. Ah! Sooo beautiful....lots of relaxing there, I'm sure. Beautiful, romantic sunsets!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    & thank you so much for your very sweet comment...I appreciate you stopping by.

  25. Gorgeous pictures! When I look out my window, I see a sea of snow. Your scenes are much more tranquil to me right now! (especially the 5 feet of dirty-needs to melt-snow that I have going on here.) Thanks for sharing.

  26. What a beautiful place! I would love to be there :)

  27. Next time you come visit, let us know in advance!


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