
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Key Lime Pie

with chocolate cookie crust and raspberry sauce... 
Chocolate Cookie Crust
5 oz shortbread type chocolate cookies, pulverized (about 1 C when crushed.  I used Newman's Own Alphabet Cookies) 
4 T butter, melted
1/2 C shredded coconut (leave out or add more if you  like)
Crush cookies.  Blend in butter and then coconut.  Press into bottom of 9" pie pan.  Bake at 375 degrees for 7-10 minutes.  Let cool.

Lime Filling
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk (I used fat free.  Hey, saving calories counts!) 
1 to 1 1/2 C whipping cream,* whipped into stiff peaks  (Reserve a little for serving.)
@ 4 limes, zest and juice.  Juice should equal about 4 oz.  (Chop zest into smaller pieces if desired.)  Reserve some zest.
Mix sweetened condensed milk, lime juice, and unreserved zest well.  Fold in whipped cream.  Spoon into cooled pie shell.  Sprinkle with reserved zest.  Place pie in refrigerator or freezer.

Raspberry Sauce
Place fresh or frozen berries in a pan on stove.  Add honey to taste.  Let slightly boil for a few minutes.  Remove from heat and crush berries, mixing well.  

To serve:
Place a tablespoon or 2 of raspberry sauce in bottom of bowl or dish, spreading in a pretty manner.  Place slice of pie on top.  Put a dollop of whipped cream on top of pie.
*For easy whipped cream making, place mixer bowl, mixing attachment, and even the cream itself into freezer for a brief period till all is very cold.
This Fun and Fabulous dessert gets rave reviews every time I serve it.  This recipe is original to me, synthesized from several other recipes and honed over time.

Once again, I'm participating in Jenny Matlock's Fantabulous Alphabe-Thursday.  Come and join in the Fun!  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole Fun!  See more entries HERE.  This week our letter is "F."  
photos by me © 2010 and 2011


  1. New follower from Alphabe-Thursday.
    I love key lime pie, but this is a combination I've never tried. I'm bookmarking this one. Thanks for sharing.
    Come on over for a visit!

  2. Now this brings back memories of my life in the pan handle of Florida! Think I might just make it today!

  3. My husband would love this. He loves key lime pie.

  4. I love key lime pie! It is a dessert with Fond memories at our house! Thanks for sharing your great recipe with Alphabe-Thursday!

  5. Love me some Key Lime pie!

    Yours looks just amazing...

  6. That sounds so delicious! Angel & Isabella say you can reserve whipping cream for them too!

  7. I'm on my some for me!!!

  8. It's a pity that I can't take it out of the screen !
    Looks so yummy !

  9. Oh, my goodness. Seriously. My mouth is watering and my stomach growling.

  10. That sounds delicious and definitely original! Beautiful pictures.

  11. Fabulous, Fun post! Your key lime pie sounds delicious, I like the addition of the raspberry sauce. I will be making a copy of this recipe Margaret, thanks for sharing.

    Happy Weekend!

  12. YUM! I love the addition of chocolate and raspberry!

  13. I adore Key lime pie! I will definitely try your luscious idea!!!

    I was late posting my "F" post, but it is up now. Please check it out!!!

  14. sorry I missed your pie - I'm really not a baker, but I know DH would enjoy it! {:-D

  15. I now have drool on my keyboard...thanks :P
    And now I want to go shopping to make this....not sure my hips will agree

  16. Wow. What a fabulous flavor combination.

    I am definitely going to give this a try. I think my neighbor has limes on her tree this year!

    Thanks for a delicious stop for this weeks Alphabe-Thursday! I think you made us all drool.


  17. That sounds so good...I already feel heavier. :)

  18. Somehow I missed this last week. The pie looks wonderfully decadent. :)

  19. Oh these pies ~ yum yum yummy!
    xo Catherine

  20. So perfect for Pi day today! I like the idea of a chocolate cookie crust and the fruit topping sea pretty tasty, too.


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