
Sunday, July 17, 2011


Meet Tammy Gross, crafter extraordinaire.  
Known as Tamdoll, Tammy says, "I sew, I knit, I craft... been doing these things for over 30 years.  Creating relaxes me and keeps me happy in a hectic life filled with a busy family, teenage daughters and part-time teaching.  It seems like the ideas never stop flowing..."

I love this soft fabric sherbert necklace! 
so creative!

Look at this wonderful serenity mermaid pattern

and this beautiful pink sequined handbag.
It's one of a kind!

"Each item is unique and one-of-a-kind, handmade by Tammy Gross. I love creating art dolls, distinctive handbags, fabric jewelry and collages...basically, lots of different things - depending on what creative mood strikes! I love to recycle & reinvent things - some of my totes, jewelry and dolls are "upcycled" art....  something new is always just around the corner - you never know what I'll come up with!"

This is so cool!  Tammy's birdhouse can be found in the background art in the Patterns section of the Fairfield website.  See the full art HERE. 

Tammy can be found here:

Tammy is a wonderful teammate and the etsy blogger for the month of June!

all photos by Tammy Gross © 2011


  1. tammy has wonderful things - she's so creative! {:-D

  2. I love the colors of that bag, it's beautiful!! And that mermaid's pretty cute too! :)

  3. Thanks for this special feature! I really appreciate it, especially seeing the things you like and my latest pink & orange handbag. All the colors look so bright and nice on your page, too - thank you!!


    (I've been traveling a little sans internet, that's why my reply took so long!)


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