
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blogging Business Artisans

Recently, I participated in the creation of a new team on etsy--Blogging Business Artisans.  We are a creative group of artists, focused on business, and having fun along the way.  In a  PAST POST, I introduced you to the 6 charter members.  Here I will introduce you to 3 more members.  Come visit their shops and blogs!  

Linda Pruitt has 3 shops on etsy!

Her Pruitt Creations SHOP is filled with wonderful fabric items-- coasters, zipper pouches, decorations, aprons, quilts, coffee cozies, pillows, paper items and so much more!

Linda's Pruitt Design SHOP promises romance in jewelry and pillows!  She also has wonderful pouches and paper bag art like the ones here on the right.

In her Pruitt Supply SHOP, Linda carries fabrics, buttons, findings, and fun yo yos like the ones here.

Linda has 2 blogs!
On her Pruitt Handcrafts BLOG she shares lovely new hand made crafts, crafty ideas, and "occasionally, little stories about my grandchildren!"  HERE'S a post where she talks about using The Square.

Abigail's Attic is Linda's second BLOG.  Here's what she says:  "The reflections you will find here are all my own meditations, introspections, musings if you like, of the thoughts in my attic. Not stuffy or starched, I hope, but like finding a rare pair of vintage button-downs, dusting off the years and discovering the beauty hidden there. Enjoy your time with me, settling in for a delight or two, a story or three and I hope you will go away refreshed with new observations wanting more. "
Find a poem she wrote about Fall HERE. 

Jenny is the artist owner of A Bird in the Hand Art.

Jenny's SHOP features unique home decor items and jewelry pieces inspired by birds.  "I have a background in biology, specifically animal behavior, and I have been inspired by the beauty of various bird species."

On her BLOG A Bird in the Hand Art, Jenny shares about her art, participates in Iron Craft challenges, and posts business tutorials such as this one 
about making a button link.

Sarah is a crocheting diva!

For her SHOP Magnolia Surprise, Sarah creates wonderfully fun items for your home--crochet coasters, dish cloths and scrubbies.  She also makes scarves and afghans, play food and toys.  "At Magnolia Surprise, there's always a surprise waiting to be found!"
On her BLOG Magnolia Surprise, Sarah shares about her life, her craft, and her granddaughter.  Check out these beautiful new shoes!

I look forward to sharing more members with you!
"The focus of Blogging Business Artisans (BBA) is to promote our etsy shops, blogs, and one another with fun activities and via various social media. We will have monthly artistic challenges, treasuries, and giveaways. The BBA is planning fun social activities such as Secret Santa, link parties, and a blog hop."

team on etsy
BLOG where we post introductions to our members, their art, and interests.  You will also find a list of our members and their contact information.  Informative business articles are posted here as well.  Additionally, there are links to our upcoming team challenges.
my POST on BBA charter members
GIVEAWAY  Hurry!  You have till November 21!

© all photos and images are the property of the above individual artists.  all rights reserved.


  1. I love Sarah's toast coasters! Great features!

  2. This is another great post on the members! I like seeing what photos you chose to highlight--it is fun to see the members in a different way.

    Thanks again.

  3. I'm still SO excited about our awesome team!
    Great features on 3 great team members :)

  4. This is a great idea - thanks for sharing all the goodies!

  5. I really enjoy these posts! We have such a talented team!

  6. thanks for featuring me! I feel special :) It's nice to be a part of such a great team.

  7. Hi Margaret--Thanks so much for the featrure! You are super!! We really do have an awesome team at BBA!

  8. What a fun post to read. And I love the layout! {:-D

  9. What a great way to introduce the world to some new shops! I'm so honored to be part of this talented and supportive team!

    MysticWynd on Etsy
    Mystic Wynd

  10. I love them, no doubt excellent.


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