
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eager Earnest

Eager Earnest wishes to Edify you in regards to the letter E.

Most importantly, there is Eat.  He is simply Ecstatic about Edibles!  He can be quite Elegiac with his lamentations when his bowl is Empty.

After Emptying his bowl, it's time to Ease his furry self onto something cozy

like the stairs which is the center of Everything or a soft blanket on an Elevated couch.

After a good long nap, it's play time!  Earnest is Energized by feathers, but

even more Ebullient about catnip
which can be shared with a furend because there is plenty!

time for another nap!
Although Es are very Effable, and Earnest was quite Elated to Elucidate, their Explanation requires much Effort and has the Effect of drowsiness.

Earnest is Excited Ms Jenny has decided to do another round of Alphabe-Thursday!  He Explained some of his favorite Es with Elan!  Come and join in the fun!  You will be charmed and even Enlightened in a delightful way!  See more entries HERE. This week our letter is "E."  
photos by me © 2010 & 2011


  1. I love Earnest! White cats are so pretty. I can look at cat pictures all day!

  2. Excellent the photos. Fun read.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  3. Ernest is so adorable! Cats just know everything, don't they!!!

  4. Clever and funny! I enjoyed your letter "E."

  5. hmmm....let me week will be F is for Furry?! Yay! What a cutie pie.

  6. Your post is quite humorous, lovely, and sensitive - I see a writing gift blossoming:)

  7. Superb ‘E’ post – he's so adorable!

    Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you soon.

    Here’s mine

  8. Aw, Earnest is a great topic for the letter E! That is too funny that he loves to sleep on the stairs. Cats do love to be in the middle of everything sometimes. Also, Angel loves to eat her catnip, too.

    Great pictures!

  9. Edi loves the letter E and thinks Earnest did a great job of showing all the great things E stands for :)

  10. Very cute - and an excellent job of using the letter "e"!

  11. This is a funny post on the letter E. I was stumbling a few times:) But the adorable model made up for the brain exercise.

    Artful Rising

  12. Earnest is indeed exceptional, and your photos are excellent.

    Thanks for stopping by at my place, and for the follow!

  13. Hello.
    lol...this post was so much fun. Earnest is a beauty & also a showoff!
    Great photos.
    Thanks for sharing.

    For ref:
    Eleven Roses And You

  14. He is so cute! What a fun post! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. Aw, the napping picture is so cute! By the way, I have that font- it's so cute! :)

  16. Great "E" post!!! Earnest is adorable. I could look at your kitties forever. Give them a little cuddle from me :)

  17. What a fun post! Love the cat pictures!

  18. What a wonderfully cute post!

    I really enjoyed your clever subtitles!

    Thanks for the smile and for linking up.



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