
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

for the love of books! a LINK LIST

A recent POST by my bloggy friend Storybeader inspired me to write a post about books as well.  Deb wrote a link list of a few of her favorite book sites. 

Here are some random book links I discovered:

ONE:  follow your book's adventures!  Want to give a book away randomly?  Book Crossing lets you download a label which you then affix to your book.  Give it to someone or even more fun, "release it into the wild."  When someone picks it up, they can log on.  You are then able to follow your book's travels.  How fun is that?! 

"When another reader finds your book, they can enter the BCID on and report that it’s been caught. Journal entries about your book allow you to see where your book is, who's reading it now, and follow where it goes next." 
According to the website 850 thousand members have registed close to 7 million books which are traveling around 130 countries!

TWO:  Give! Consider sending books to US Troops.  Here are a couple sites:

Books for Soldiers 

THREE:  Sell! Book Scouter helps you to sell your books for the best price. This site compares prices from over 40 book-buying websites.  It's free, too!  

FOUR:  Join bloggy friends!  Blog Books is a site whose members "read books, blog books, write books, and publicize books."  Members participate in forums, events, groups, and chat.  Join for free!

FIVE:  Enter a contest! I was perusing my bloggy friend Ruthie's BLOG, Live Love, Laugh, Write!  I clicked on her "Books Read 2012" tab and discovered a blog that has a book reading contest.  How fun!  It's called the Bookmark Break Challenge.  Keep track of the books you read this year and....Instead of me telling you about it, go HERE to Who's Your Editor?'s blog and read all about it yourself!

SIX:  Trade!  Go to Deb's POST to find out about a book trading site called Book Mooch.

I have not used/participated in any of the above.  But now I just might!

PPS:  Deb was inspired to write a link list, as was I, by our bloggy friend Rose of Random Creative.  She likes to post link lists on her blog on Saturdays.  HERE is her most recent Link List.   

The photos and logos in this blog post are © by the individuals and organizations represented.


  1. Wow, great resources Margaret! I use to blog book reviews from time to time, but that got too cumbersome for my blog schedule, so that's fizzled. I would like to keep track of the books I read though in some way...perhaps I'll participate in a contest or keep them in a tab on my bog...hmn....

  2. Great blog post, Margaret! These are awesome resources. I've never heard of most of them but will check them out. I'm so glad that Deb and I inspired you to write this.

  3. I love the idea of "releasing the book into the wild" and watching its travels.
    And of course donating them to the troops!
    Great list!

  4. Wow! I agree, I love the idea of watching where your book travels. I might have to do that.

  5. Wow so many wonderful ideas. I love to read but seldom get the time anymore. I am going to have to check some of those links out. Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

  6. Hi Margaret,

    First of all, thanks so much for leaving comments on my blog. That certainly makes blogging extra special! :)

    Book links -- just wonderful! By the way, if you ever want to be part of an online book group, check out the Yahoo group "On The Porchswing."

    Are you interested in winning a white cotton T-shirt with a pink heart and the words I ♥ Oktoberfest in size L? Then come over to my blog until Sunday, 22nd January, and leave a comment here.

    What about having a look at my Advent and Christmas and getting an impression of Munich's Christmas market ? Moreover, you can see some frosty weather photos and pictures from a walk around my neighborhood on January 1st. Finally, there are photos of New Year's Eve . Of course, comments are welcome -- it's always great to hear what you think!

    Have a wonderful 2012,
    your blog friend from Munich, Germany,

  7. I never thought before of sending books to the military - what a great link! Thanks for all the other links; I need to check them out. Book Crossings sounds fun. And thanks for linking up my blog post! {:-D

  8. This is a great link list. I particularly like the idea of sending books to our troops.


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