
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sharing: by Oliver and Earnest

Oooo...the most wonder-fur toy arrived this Christmas!  Yipee!  a mod shaker from Modern Cat!  filled with the most delectable catnip!  We loved this toy SO much, we played with it all night long!  We totally soaked it out!  ("eeeewwwww" said our mommy the next morning)

We both love it, but sharing with your best friend is the bestest!

ModShakers Catnip Rattle Toys - Set of Two (Aqua, Chocolate and Cream Mod Stripes)
I am linking up with Cats on Tuesday by Gattina.  Come on over HERE to see some great kitty stories!

photos by me © 2012 
photo of mod shakers by Modern Cat © 2011

PS:  We learned about the wonderful catnip toys from Beaded Tail's BLOG
PPS:  My computer is in the hospital.  I'm sharing a computer now, so I may be very slow in responding to your comment.  I love hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as I can.


  1. Those are very active photos.
    Your new toys looks like a lot of fun!!!

  2. Great action shots :) I can tell how much the boys loved their gift!

  3. Aw... so sweet!!! Yes, sharing with your best friend is indeed the sweetest!

    I want to say thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog. I actually tried to tone down my nervousness in my post, as to not come across as a wreck, but your comment was uplifting and I appreciate that. My husband will also have to live a part from us for a while, and that will be hard on all of us.. But, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger, right? I know there will be a light at the end of the tunnel..
    Again, thank you, it really meant a lot.

  4. What an awesome toy! How nice that they share. :) I hope that you get your computer up and running again soon!

  5. Ew, a mushy saliva cat toy! How terrific for the kitties. It's nice that they share. Ours wouldn't.

    Hope your computer gets better soon.

  6. I miss having a cat!! Love your pictures!

  7. We've got to be looking for more appropriate cat toys in the future. I wonder what will turn out to become the most popular?
    Mod shaker???

  8. *nom*nom*nom*slurp*nom*nom*nom*
    pawprints from
    Pal and Forrest

  9. I might have to try these out. Our new kitty does not play with the toys I pick up from the store. Wonder if it was because he was homeless for such a length of time?

  10. Oh, what precious kitties! They're both beautiful! I can see they enjoyed their new toy a lot! Thanks for stopping by Buster's post for Cats on Tuesday!
    Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam

  11. great that the two kitties are best friends and know how to share! {:-D

  12. Oh kitties, what fun! I'm glad you have so much fun together.

  13. I have no idea what a Mod shaker is, even my dictionary couldn't help me, but it must be fun !!
    Rosie got 2 new mousies and spent the night with putting them on Mr. G's night table besides a water bottle and I found one in my slippers !

  14. What a cute little toy! Looks like it was well received too:)

  15. How much fun can they be having! Love the pictures. Santa brough Punkie a catnip toy for Christmas too.

  16. Such a fun toy! Love all the photos of the 'action' shots. Cute!
    Happy New Year to you!
    xo Catherine


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