
Monday, February 6, 2012

Blogging Business Artisans

Late last year, I participated in the creation of a new team on etsy--Blogging Business Artisans.  We are a creative group of artists, focused on business, and having fun along the way.  I introduced you to the charter members HERE and a few more members HERE.  Now, meet 3 more members!

Jamie is the proprietress of For Love of Cupcakes.

Jamie's SHOP is filled with hairbows and clips, rosaries, artwork, and more!

Check out Jamie's BLOG to learn more about her life with her sweet little baby. 
Visit on Mondays and link up with her Make Yourself Monday Blog Hop!
Check out this book review.

Kathy is a fine artist. 
Her SHOP features watercolor paintings, pen and ink, drawings, mixed media, and prints.  I love her ACEOs!

This print, Your Best Friend is one of my favorites!

Many of her works feature the animals she loves, especially horses.  Here's what she says about her art:
"I have loved art as long as I have loved horses. Now I love to share paintings of my horses and paintings of some of the other critters that have wandered through my life. My artwork is inspired by the beauty of God’s creation and by memories from my past."

In her BLOG she shares about her life with her fun sense of humor.  Here's a current POST about her life in the country.  HERE  she share progress on drawing some VERY special furry ones!

Janet, of Honey From the Bee,

has a SHOP filled with jewelry "inspired by my passion for nature, travel, and the creative life."

In her BLOG, Janet speaks of inspiration, travel, nature, and her creative life.  Learn a little bit more about Janet on her POST Six Word Memoir.  Meet Daisy and Moose in this POST, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.

I look forward to sharing more members with you!
"The focus of Blogging Business Artisans (BBA) is to promote our etsy shops, blogs, and one another with fun activities and via various social media. We will have monthly artistic challenges, treasuries, and giveaways. The BBA is planning fun social activities such as Secret Santa, link parties, and a blog hop."

team on etsy
BLOG where we post introductions to our members, their art, and interests.  You will also find a list of our members and their contact information.  Informative business articles are posted here as well.  Additionally, there are links to our upcoming team challenges.
my POST on BBA charter members
MORE  members
February 21, 2012 at 11am central
Contest open worldwide

© all photos and images are the property of the above individual artists.  all rights reserved


  1. By far, my favorite Etsy team :) Three great shops here!!!

  2. Great feature Margaret! I love Kathy's work and she is painting special portraits of my furbabies for me!

  3. Thanks for the introduction to the artists and their creations!

  4. What a wonderful blog post - so much fun to get to know everyone better =) Thanks so much for featuring me!

  5. Wow thanks so so much for featuring me!!! This made my day!



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