
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's Scavenger Hunt Sunday time! 
cute little nose of Oliver kitty who is very busy today sleeping in a sun puddle!

My husband was "thrilled" that I made him do this with me!  (not.  That's snow on the ground!  our second and "bigger" snow of the season.)

nope.  not a photo from Summer.  I have a hot pepper plant growing in the house!

Just what do you think this is? (*answer below)

My good friend Sally made these wonderful fabric pillowcases for me as a gift!  There is a set of 2 for each of the 4 seasons of the year!  Thanks, Sally!  I love them!  They are such fun!  

*a packet of cane sugar (in the packet!  to answer a question posed below)

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words!  Join in!  HERE

Next week's prompts are love, duplicated, trend or trending, paper, plastic.

photos by me © 2012  all rights reserved.


  1. Nicely done - really like your sweet kitty's nose.

  2. LOve the golden sugar! You did a great job in your interpretations!

  3. What a fun set! Your hot pepper is very pretty, and so is the golden sugar. I did guess that because I use it too, but I've never thought of taking photos of it!

  4. Very fun! I didn't guess the sugar cane - lol - looks really pretty! Oliver is so precious!

  5. I guessed raw sugar but was it still in the packet or on a napkin? ;) love the kitty shot!

  6. Cute! Love the kitty face of course:) And yay for plants inside! We tried the aero garden thing for a while, but think the filter or something broke- it got all moldy and weird inside.

  7. I love that you took a picture of your kitty for facial feature, too. I love the two color nose.

    That's awesome that your husband had fun helping you with the photo.

    How cool to have a hot pepper plant!

  8. All of the shots in this set are nice. Great job!

  9. Love Oliver's nose best - of course! But that chili pic is also great.

  10. Beautiful chili plant! I never would have guessed that was a sugar packet, but the photo turned out great.

  11. your photos are fantastic - love your macros! Oliver's face is so cute! {:-D

  12. I see a kitty's nose that is very kissable!

    Artful Rising

  13. Fun photos in response to a fun challenge! My favorite is the cute lil kitty nose. ^.^

  14. I would have never gotten the sugar right! I was thinking beads or dye chips..LOL!
    Does Oliver need a napping buddy...I would love to come join him!
    Love the shadow pic of you and hubby :)

  15. Oh how'd I miss Oliver's sweet face? So cute!

  16. Love all your pics -- especially Oliver! That shot of the cane sugar is fantastic -- I wouldn't have guessed in a million years! Cute pillowcases too!


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