
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oregon coast

I've been to Oregon a few times and believe it's one of the most beautiful places on Earth.  These are a few photos from a vacation in 2006, all from along Highway 101.

Boardman State Park

sand dunes 
Dunes extend from Coos Bay north to Florence.  In places, the dunes extend inland as much as 2 1/2 miles.  Some are as high as 500 feet.  The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area was set aside in 1972.  It encompassed 32,186 acres of dunes, forest, streams, and lakes.
We rented a dune buggy and had a blast!

I wish I knew exactly where some of these were taken.  If you do know, please tell me!

Oregon government state coastal MAP
Oregon Dune GUIDE  There are 3 main dune off-roading sites.
coast photos --scroll down a little and look at the the middle column to click on "Oregon Coast virtual tours" to see photos from several areas of the coast

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock!  See others' completed homework assignments Ms Jenny's blog off my tangent.  Come join in!  This week our letter is "O."  Sorry, I don't have the direct link since I don't have computer access (and I posted this ahead of time).  However, I think you'll find her blog fun to peruse!  direct link HERE.

PS:  Because of the blogger strangeness and the deletion of Google Friend connect for non-blogger blogs, please follow me on Linky in my right sidebar, just a little bit down from the top.  I love my readers and would be so sad to loose you!  Thanks! ♥
photos by me © 2006    all rights reserved


  1. Love the Oregon coast! The whole Pacific coast is so spectacular that one could spend easily several weeks exploring. Beautiful photos!

  2. Gorgeous photos! The only time I was in Oregon, I was about 4 years old, but I would love to go back sometime. You're right that it is so beautiful.

  3. These are all in my beautiful home state--I'm notr sure specifically! Yes, our coast is beautiful, I really need a quick trip there NOW! But it is snowing in the coast ranges today, so I think it will have to be a trip for another day!

  4. Jesse would have a blast in the dunes! And I could go visit Sharla and Linda :) I think I just planned our next vacation :)

    Speaking of vacations...hope you're enjoying yours!

  5. Yay! Edi's coming here for vacation! :) The entire Oregon coast is breathtaking! I think that second photo is at Bandon. That is if you went to Bandon!

  6. Gosh that's breathtaking Margaret! Hubby & I are talking about hitting the pacific noth west for our honeymoon- nappa valley, red woods, etc. We'll definitely have to scout out some coastal parks too.

  7. There is something so calming, beautiful and mysterious about the water.

    thanks for sharing!
    Artful Rising

  8. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing these - what a lovely quiet moment this evening =)

  9. I've been through Oregon once only, but my husband and I agreed that if we lived on the West coast, this is where we'd want to be!

  10. i forgot what a great stretch of coastline that is! Thanks for sharing your lovely images.

  11. Beautiful! I love the Oregon coast too, although it's been several years since I've visit.

  12. After seeing your post, I think it's time for another visit south to the Oregon Coast. It's one of my favourite places. One year we camped at Fort Stevens (Stephenson?) in a yurt - what fun!

  13. This coastline is incredible. I would love to see it in person. Wonderful photos :)

  14. Beautiful! My favorite Oregon spots are Crater Lake and Multinomah Falls. Both just gorgeous.

  15. Hello.
    When we have such beautiful beaches & scenery right here in our own backyard, there really is no need to travel overseas.
    Wonderful photos.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Oh Love

  16. I love going to the Coast's one of the many reasons I moved to Portland. I still get the same thrill when we come out of the Cascades and get that first glimpse of the ocean...still gives me chills :-)

  17. I love the Oregon coast. We are going up this summer to see our new Grandbaby (due in April) and to hopefully relax for a while by looking at those beautiful sunlit beaches!

    Thanks for an outstanding and relaxing link to the letter "O".

    I appreciated the memories!



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