
Monday, March 12, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I have been on vacation out of the country for a couple weeks.  I have much catching up with you to do!  I appreciate your visiting my blog while I was away and couldn't reciprocate.  Thank you!  I'll be by to visit you soon!

It was fun to watch this little boy playing with his dog on the beach.  I must have had my camera on a weird setting to get this rather "whited-out" look, but I rather like it.  It has a dreamy quality.

What is more beautiful than the sun fading in glory on an island beach in the middle of Winter?!

a mixture of chocolates.  getting ready to make truffles with my daughter who worked briefly in a chocolate factory in Asheville, NC.  She had a fabulous recipe and knew the techniques involved so these were superb!  This photo is from the archives.

A cute kitty poses for me in front of bougainvillea.

These mailboxes are crowded together.

All of these photos with the exception of chocolate were taken on my recent vacation in Sint Maarten, an island in the Caribbean.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till late Tuesday to join in for this week. 

Next week's words are Vintage, Word or Quote, Nature's Own, People, Photographer's Choice
photos by me © 2011 & 2012    all rights reserved


  1. I think your crowded shot is my favorite! Your light photo is also really cool!

  2. I love your water shot - so sweet.

  3. What a fun challenge. Your vacation looks like it was wonderful!

  4. I love the mailboxes! And the sunset is magnificent! Looks like a pirate ship out there...

  5. I love the chocolate pic! Chocolates are my favorite!

  6. What a wonderful looking vacation spot! I really liked the sunset with the boat photo.

  7. I love all your photos Margaret! The beach is beautiful, the kitty is so cute, love chocolate and I really like the crowded one too!

  8. Really beautiful compositions, I love especially the first two.

  9. Great photos! I'm glad you had a great trip!

  10. Looks like you had a great time. I love the light shot. That looks like a pirate ship. It is a beautiful shot!

  11. Glad you had a great vacation! I hope you get to have some time to yourself and relax a bit too:)

  12. Great photos as always! I'm glad that you had a good trip. The sunset is my favorite. There's nothing like a sunset on the water.

  13. what fabulous photos. That little boy is so lucky to be on the beach with his pup! Looks like some beautiful water. Welcome home! {:-D

  14. Hello.
    Your photos are great, but why did you have to show me the chocolate one...I'm a chocoholic & now have to go hunt some down (smile).
    Thanks for sharing & for the lovely comment you left over at my blog. I appreciate your kindness immensely. Hope you'll stop by again soon.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn

  15. Teh light photo is lovely but the cat always wins in my book!

  16. Your vacation photos are nice. I was gonna comment on today's post (3-15-2012), but the little comment link isn't visible for me to click. :( I was going to say, I love PIE not the mathematical kind. I'm not too good with numbers, but pie, I'm very good with. What a nice idea on the quilt project for the young girl battling cancer in California. I'll keep her in my prayes. This is so sad. Have a good weekend!

  17. I like the "crowded" photo. It would never occur to me to take that shot. That's why I'm a lousy photographer...


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