
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This prompt had me thinking quite a lot about "simple" this past week.  Truly, nothing is simple.  There are always underlying complexities.  This shot is of a blueberry plant.  The flowers are falling off and the fruit is just beginning to form.  simple.  Nature does this every Spring.  But oh, what a marvelous creative process! 
I'm excited because this is my first blueberry plant.  I planted it last Fall.  It's called "pink lemonade."

I picked up some lettuce and cilantro at my friends' farm this week and visited the chickens.  (Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster on the right. The reds are "Rhode Island Red". The others are auracanas.)


sewing a silk scrunchie I dyed yesterday.  (It's available in my shop HERE)

I spent half the day today cleaning my deck!  The day was beautiful--warm and mostly sunny.  The trees with their baby-green leaves were waving in the breeze and the birds were chattering.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till late Tuesday to join in for this week.

Next week's prompts are yellow, something that makes/made you smile, ancient or antique, splash, in the sun.
photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Love the chicken feet for transportation! Too cute.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures and good luck with the blueberries. Those are very healthy looking chickens :)

  3. Love the chicken photos - great interpretations.

  4. Great set. We got a bad frost (which I didn't heed the warnings) which I fear may have squashed my blueberry harvest this year.

  5. I really love your chickens. We used to have that kind when I was growing up. Plymouth Rock, right? Something like that. I remember they had a complicated name! I also love the blueberry plants. Pretty!

  6. Gorgeous photos! I'm having trouble picking a favorite, but I'm going to have to say those chickens are lovely. And you're right, nothing is simple, so that would be a hard prompt!

  7. Beautiful photos! You are so right about nothing being simple. That's exciting that your blueberry bush is doing well.

  8. I love the pictures you took :) Especially the blueberry bush :D

  9. what great photos! Hope you get some great tasting blueberries! {:-D

  10. Great artistic photos. Love the chickens.

  11. I love the green in your first photo ~ it looks like spring! Lovely! Fun photos ~ all of them! Especially the chickens ~ haha!
    xo Catherine

  12. Great photos! Sunday had nice weather to spend doing outside chores - I ripped out an unruly flower bed to replace with a rock garden.

  13. Very fun to tour your scavenger hunt! Of course, I really enjoyed the chickens ;-) Lovely scrunchie, too!

  14. These are wonderful photos! That first one with the flowers almost looks like there is an eyeball in the center.


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