
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

a calla lily

SOMETHING that makes me SMILE 
Oliver is the cutest and has the sweetest kitty heart.  On Saturday, he was following me all around the house.  Of course, he wins me over again and again with his antics.

My Dad loved antique clocks.  When I grew up, we had many around the house including this one.  I have a couple more of his including a "grandmother" clock.  Once, in that particular clock we found a bat skeleton.  I took it to school, then my brother did, then my cousins.  How it got there no one knows!

filling the kitties' bowl with water

in the SUN 
sun?  seriously?  I could take an "absence of sun" picture.  sigh.  off to the archives....  This is a vitex.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, May 1st to join in for this time.

photos by me © 2011 & 2012    all rights reserved

PS:  My friend Kaili is having a super giveaway.  Check it out HERE.


  1. Lovely shots. Your cat looks just like our kitty Summer who passed on a few years ago. Makes me smile thinking of him. :)

  2. <Great post, with beautiful yellow and lovely blue flowers ;))

  3. Great pictures. Love the kitty cat. The yellow flower is beautiful.

  4. Beautiful job as always! You did a great job with the water shot.

  5. All, very nice choices for this week's challenge. Lovely shading on the calla lily and I too have a kitty that never fails to make me smile.

  6. I really like all your scavenger hunt photos today! Love the purples. And of course sweet Oliver ~ while that is kitty perfection right there. ;)

    Happy Sunday!
    xo Catherine

  7. The flowers are stunning. Great captures!

  8. Oliver is such a sweet, handsome boy! Great photos Margaret!

  9. Your kitty is simply adorable...lovely photos!!!

  10. great photos, as always! Oliver is a cutie! {:-D

  11. What a neat set of photos, Margaret. For some reason I really like the water dish one! Oh, and of course Oliver's personality shows through his!

  12. All pictures are very beautiful, but my favorite of course is Oliver, the sweety !

  13. Your pics are gorgeous, especially the calla lily!

    A comment on your comment..... how cool would it be to work for Jim Davis -- Garfield all day long!!!

  14. Beautiful calla lily and Oliver is adorable!

  15. sweet kitty! and the calla lily... I love them... so its my fav! ;)

  16. Love Oliver's cute little pink toes ;-) Gorgeous clock!

  17. L O V E that clock. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Oliver makes me smile too :)
    Love your flower photos!!!

  19. Cute! Of course you know I love the Oliver photo! That kitty bowl is pretty cool too:)

  20. great set - I love the colors in your last shot.

  21. Great photos - as always, and thank you for the shout :)

  22. These are great. I loved your Yellow and Something That makes me Smile.


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