
Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

"Create a project that calls to mind how one or all the senses respond to this new beginning time of year."
This is the Challenge (made by me!) set forth before the Blogging Business Artisans for the month of April.

I love this lush, gorgeous time of year when the Earth comes alive again and is filled with the scent and soft velvety beauty of blooming flowers, bird song, and insects buzzing.  Greens like parsley, lettuce, and mint, growing in my garden are being harvested for delicious salads and tea. All my senses are heightened by this heady delight.

This time of year inspires so much creativity.  I've been making  a lot of cards lately, and Spring has definitely influenced my creations. 

I've been working in my garden (mostly weeding) and am about ready to pot up some perennials to give away.  My friend Kelly made a lovely card and shared the template for the flower pot.  This will be given to my Mother-in-Law for Mother's Day.  I chose her favorite colors.
The blue background of the card is cuttlebugged.  Images are stamped, and colored in with marker.  I stamped the white ribbon with golden yellow flowers to subdue it some and attached it to the top of the flower pot.  

This was a very simple card to make.  I love that!  The lavender background was cuttlebugged.  I rubbed violet ink around the edges.  Three punched butterflies were attached with rhinestones glued on their heads.  The purple flowered ribbon was tied in a "Naomi Knot."  (how to video on my friend Peggy's blog Bubbe's Biz)

a birds' nest in my hawthorn tree.  We think it may be a hummingbird nest. 

I folded this card and cuttlebugged a design on the inside bottom.  I then stamped a leaf pattern all over with Versamark.  It's very subtle.  I stamped the bird and nest with chocolate ink on a leaf patterned paper.  I colored the design in with chalk and inked the edges.  I hand wrote the sentiment.  The flower was made as follows:

3 (very) rough circles were cut out of ribbon.  I then carefully singed the edges with a flame.  This seals the edges and curls them inward. 


The ribbon circles were glued down one on top of the other and a pearl bead was glued to the center.

This card is a favorite and was inspired by a card on Pinterest.  (See it HERE--Lynda Benden's Stamp Act)
Here's how I made it:

First patterned paper was glued to a white card.

Vintage lace I happened to have around was attached to light green cardstock with double sided tape.

I burnished the tape down with the scissors handle in order to be able to remove the plastic tape covering easily.

This light green cardstock was then attached to slightly larger dark green cardstock.

Two types of yarn were tied onto the lace.

I found a turquoise button in my stash.  I placed it on the card where I wished it to go and lightly marked the beak, legs and tail with a pencil.  Yarn was then tied through the button holes to make the wing.  I cut a beak out of paper and glued it in place.  The legs and tail were drawn with marker.  The button was attached with double sided tape.  I then hand wrote the sentiment. 
Besides cards, I've been working on dyeing and painting silk.   Both of these items call to my mind the joyous revival of green growing things.

It's fun to play with dyes and techniques.  This is a detail of a scrunchie which can be found in my shop HERE.

I dyed and hand painted this scarf, Spring bamboo.

creamy white Spring flowers 

The whites of Spring seem so fresh and delicate.  The lovely white pearls in this bracelet are reminiscent of that delicateness.
Spring also makes one think of birth--not only the rebirth of the Earth, but of all the baby animals being born.  Of course, I know baby humans are born all year long, but I recently made this baby bracelet for a friend's granddaughter.

Intrigued by our team challenge?  Come on over to our BBA BLOG, and see what others have made!   

QUESTION:  Have you made anything lately which challenged you artistically?     

photos by me © 2012  all rights reserved       


  1. Great post - so inspiring! I love your card designs. Spring is so beautiful :)

  2. The only thing I've done much of lately is handstamping simple greeting cards, nothing as elaborated as yours. Yours are beautiful! I'd love to have more time do artsy stuff, though. Maybe in time things will improve and I can indulge once again. =D

    Glad You Came-One Direction-Eyes Open-Fine By Me-I Kissed You Goodnight

  3. It looks like your spring is coming along nicely! The bracelet for Olivia is sweet.

  4. You've been busy! My favorite card is the pastel one with the bird nest and ribbon flower. Really pretty!

  5. WOW! have you been busy! Love the cards and the photos. I seem, lately, to be making the "same 'ole" to restock my shop. but I have a few challenging ideas that I want to work on.

  6. I love all of your cards, especially the birdie! I have not made a button birdie yet, but I really want to sometime. Beautiful spring photos, too.

  7. I really enjoyed your description and photos of your card-making process. My favorite card is the "Thinking of you" one, but the one with the bird is a close second. These are all "keepers."

  8. Wow, that's an awful lot of pieces!! I really adore that little birdy card:)

  9. Your cards are all so beautiful! I like the bracelet too! You are overflowing with talent! :)

  10. Love your cards - the bluebird "thinking of you" was my favorite! And your flower photography is beautiful - the white flowers were exquisite!

  11. love your cards! The creative and very unique looking. Great photos! {:-D

  12. I love the cute little butterfly card and the button birdie :)

  13. I love this post. I love handmade cards they are the best. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you like my owls. That is what I have been busy making. I love to sew! I am following your blog now, and looking forward to reading your future posts!

  14. You are so artistic: we're admitting to being a bit jealous!


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