
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do You Like My Hat? adventures in yarn

I met Laurie of Do You Like My Hat? on etsy last November when I entered her most fabulous giveaway sponsored by Kanelstrand!  Oh how I longed to win this most beautiful hand knitted scarf!
See what I mean?  Isn't this gorgeous?!  more beautiful in person.  I know, because I won it!!
It is knit out of hand-painted silk and beaded mohair yarn.  Wow!
Thank you so much, Laurie! 

Laurie's lovely SHOP is filled with her hand knit goodness--scarves, hats, and even a bookmark--all made from natural fibers as well as lovely natural fiber yarns.  (She is in the process of stocking up now.)

In her BLOG Kitty's fiber journey, Laurie speaks of knitting adventures as well as personal stories.  This is a place where she discusses her "passions, all things fiber, sustainable living, and making a difference in the world around us."

The first Friday of every month you can find Laurie guest posting on Kanelstrand Blog.  That link will take you to a fascinating discussion of fibers.

One of Laurie's passions is helping orphans.  "I have become actively involved in the Knit-a-Square Charity whose goal is to warm over 2 million aids orphans in South Africa and Zimbabwe."  To learn how you can play a part and even knit a square, go to this LINK on Laurie's blog.

Very exciting for Laurie, she opened her very own online yarn shop earlier this year!  In this shop you will find beautiful yarn, of course! as well as wooden needles and patterns.  She even has a section of yarn for the Knit-a-Square Challenge with all profits going to the charity.
She has been dreaming for years of owning her own brick and mortar yarn shop and she may still!  Her reason for the online shop now?  "I am a knitter and fiber fanatic in addition to being a teacher (psychology), wife and mother, and that, in no particular order! I want to make a difference in the world around me while doing something I love. This is the reason that Hands with Hearts has come to be."
(Sign up for the newsletter and receive 15% off all purchases, plus free world wide shipping!)

a little more about Laurie:
1.  First, why did Laurie name her etsy shop Do You Like My Hat?  This was a trademark question her father would ask, putting most anything on his head, trying to be funny.  This phrase comes from Go, Dog, Go!  by P. D. Eastman.

2.  Laurie learned to knit early in life around age 5 or 6, but didn't become passionate until her 30s.  She wanted to carry on the tradition of her mother who was a master knitter, and to have special items to pass on to her children.

3.  Inspiration comes from people, the world around her, and beautiful natural fibers.  "I spend a lot of time listening and looking at the people and the things around me and many different ideas for designs, colors and projects end up in my precious notebook!"

4.  why natural fibers?  "Natural fibers provide better insulation from the heat and the cold and water and snow than any synthetic fiber (we forget that this is the purpose of the animal’s coat!) Clothing made from these fibers is very long lasting and 100% recyclable and biodegradable."

5.  What is important to Laurie when fiber shopping?  "Buying socially and environmentally responsible is also very important to me. On my search for natural fibers I discover wonderful companies, big and small, who are working hard to empower women. Any small thing we can do to reduce poverty and illness particularly for the children of the world is very important to me. People who produce natural fibers are also concerned with the environment, how to properly treat the animals, how to produce and dye wool with fewer or no chemicals, using plants to create yarns. These are the topics that I discuss on my blog." 

interview on Kanelstrand blog
Knit-a-Squillion Challenge
Do You Like My Hat?  etsy shop
Hands with Hearts yarn shop

Kitty's fiber journey BLOG  

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock!  See others' completed homework assignments HERE.  Come join in!  This week our letter is "Y."  Y is for Yarn!

photos © 2011  all rights reserved


  1. Very clever and colourful! The cats must love tangling with the yarn!

  2. Wow, that cowl is amazing! Love it!

  3. Congratulations on winning that gorgeous scarf!!
    Love the pic of her knitting surrounded by three cats!! Looks comfy :)

  4. Groovy shop with a fabulous heart!

  5. What a great win, and it is beautiful! I can knit little things like hat and scarf, but have no passion like Laurie!

    The Knit a Square sounds like a wonderful project and a great cause!

  6. Thank you so much for this lovely post Margaret and for adding my button! I really appreciate it!

    I know we would all love to see a picture of you wearing your scarf!!

  7. I haven't heard about the knit-a-square project for children in Africa until now, but I would like to help and I will start knitting squares to mail to them! :) Thanks for providing more awareness to this project!

  8. That is a beautiful scarf -- congrats on winning it!

  9. Lovely and colorful. I love knitted hats in winter, nice and warm.

  10. What an awesome post! At least for me! I love the depth and it being tied to alphabet Thursday, but really it's the yarn! If I'm not playing with beads, I'm playing with fibers. I'm going to ck out every link and one that really intrigues me is the knit a square... a wonderful excuse to knit!

  11. great post - you are both inspiring.

  12. Love it when passions and service to others come together...nice post♫♪

  13. wonderful post, that scarf is just gorgeous!!! i love natural fibres ... so easy on the skin as well as so insulating!

  14. Wow, that scarf is gorgeous! Congrats! Of course I love the picture of Laurie with her kitties.

  15. Yay for winning that scarf! And I love people who use their talents to help others. So cool!

  16. enjoyable interview! And yes, the scarf is adorable. So interesting: hand-painted silk and beaded mohair! Sounds like a wonderful person! {:-D

  17. That scarf is just luscious!!! Waaaaaa! I WANT one! Great "Y" post, SLS!!

  18. If she hasn't hired you to do PR, she should. That was fun

  19. You are so lucky to have won that gorgeous scarf! I am going to check out her shop right now...and I love the story of her shop's name.


  20. Congrats on winning the scarf. Hands with hearts sounds wonderful. Thanks for posting about it.

  21. That's true for knitting you need yarn, lol ! I love finished products and not knitting !

  22. cute story and a great name for the shop

  23. Congratulations on a special prize and for bringing attention to the knitting charity :)

  24. Congratulations on winning that glorious prize.

    I am enchanted by the thought of hand painted silk!

    I wish I could learn to knit. I've tried and I am all left thumbs.


    Thanks for a cute link to the letter Y.



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