
Friday, June 29, 2012

fireworks and flags

Independence Day--July 4th--is almost here!  Time to celebrate!

with fireworks!
I love the patterns fireworks make!  The circle here is actually the moon!

more of the moon!  These fireworks patterns inspire me artistically to think of dyeing projects.

This photo was taken at a fireworks show after a Reds baseball game.  My friend Sammy's band plans to use this photo for the cover of their new album Live Forever

and with flags!
I just finished dyeing a bunch of these chamois (soft, very absorbent towels) for Kast-A-Way Swimwear.  This particular flag chamois is taken from the Dive Cincinnati/Springboards and More website.  (I cannot believe I didn't take a photo of a completed dyed flag chamois!)  Here are some flags just after they've been dyed.
Speaking of flag chamois, the Summer Olympics are coming up, so these are very popular right now. 
It would be so great to actually see one of my chamois at the Olympics!  Do let me know if you see them.  To the left and right are photos of some of my tie dye chamois for those of you who have been asking to see them.

Here is a cute little boy wearing a flag shirt I made.   (You can find these in my shop.)

And here is a photo from a tie dye session at a Girl Scout summer camp in 2009 from the blog post Red, White, and Blue!

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "F."

photos by me and one by Dive Cincinnati © 2009, 2010, and 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Fabulous fireworks! The moon just looks amazing within!
    Those flag chamois are AWESOME! And I love the little boy's t-shirt too :)

  2. I'll be watching out for your chamois! The fireworks photos are awesome -- I can see where they would give you some tie-dye inspiration. The first one is really cool with the fluffy smoke trails around the moon!

  3. Oh wow - I really love that second photo! You got some great shots :)

  4. fabulous dyeing! Up here in canada, we celebrate Canada Day on the first so it's fireworks for me as well!

  5. Fabulous fotos, flags, and finalia! Fireworks are banned here because is is so hot and dry! We don't to fry!

  6. Gorgeous fireworks photos! That last one would make a neat album cover. Very cool. I enjoyed seeing your tie dye work, too. I hope that someone is able to spot one of your pieces at the Olympics this year.

  7. Wow - what red, white and blue fun! The fireworks are really neat! Congrats on doing the Olympics pieces!

  8. Love these fireworks pictures! :)
    And I like how you show a picture and then what you created ( as in the sea post )
    So creative! : )

  9. Wow. Fantastic photography AND tie dying!

    You are really, really good at that.

    Thanks for sharing your mad skills with us.

    Have a fabulous 4th!


  10. What great photos!
    The fireworks and light will make an awesome album cover!


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