
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Fireworks explode in the dark sky on the 4th of July.   (Do you see the heart?!)

view from above
A Japenese beetle dives into the center of this rose. 

a Freedom Trail Mosaic mounted on the outside of a building in Over the Rhine, Cincinnati.  This was taken about a month ago while on an American Legacy Tour called Queen City Underground.

says my friend Carol Rucker:   "My women jewelry students and I created this mosaic as part of the Over the Rhine Freedom Trail project a few years ago. We created individual copper enameled hands, angels and other details, and used tile cutters to cut each piece of tile to fit our design. We collaborated on the design and learned basic mosaic techniques from local artist, Suzanne Fisher to complete it. The design depicts women entering the Sarah Center women's ministry, then exiting as angels."

something tiny
Tiny cinnamon basil seedlings emerge in a pot on my deck. 

Echinacea blooming in my garden.  The pink petals and orange center vibrate against green leaves.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  Ashley just had a baby girl, so Sarah Halstead of The Naptime Momtog is hosting for now.  You have till Tuesday, July 10 at midnight EST to join in.

PS:  I've discovered there are various blogs hosting linky parties for fireworks--or patriotic themes, or summer fun.  Here are the ones I've linked with: 

Chickens on the Moon  (link up all your photos from your celebrations and such from all around the world!  Fireworks, Family, Barbecues, and whatever!)

Paper Heart Camera:  Show and Tell: Patriotic


photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Beautiful photos for scavenger hunt! The firework photo showed a heart, and that's amazing!

  2. Great hunt! Love vibrant and your mosaic. Have a good week. :)

  3. Love that firework and the gorgeous vibrant flower!

  4. Oh that beetle - what a lovely capture!

  5. Lovely photos! Would love for you to come and link up with my fireworks linky ;)

  6. Beautiful pics! I really like that mosaic and the vibrant Echinacea.

  7. How fun! I love the Over the Rhine area. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Great photos Margaret! I really like the last flower!

  9. Your vibrant picture is stunning!

  10. Great job as always! I love all of your flower captures, and the fireworks picture is pretty magical.

  11. Beautiful flower shots as always! And the fireworks are so fun!
    That mosaic is so cool and thanks for the story with it as well :)

  12. incredible shots as always! i love the echinacea.

  13. That's a great photo of our mosaic. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. When we did the hands and other enameled pieces, we weren't sure if they'd hold up to the weather, not to mention all the school kids who pass by each day. I'm pleased it's still there and still colorful. It reminds me of all those years teaching jewelry making in Over the Rhine.

  14. Oh my, that echinacea is GORGEOUS! All your photos are wonderful but that one just stands out!

  15. I love mosaics! Have made a few things over time. This is so cute. Your flower macros are great - that echinacea has amazing color! {:-D

  16. Great shots! Always love cking out what you find for the prompts.

  17. Love echinacea! Used to grow it when I lived in Missouri! Miss seeing the little birds light on the heads and eat the tiny seeds. Lovely photos as usual.

  18. Playing catch up on SHS commenting.
    Great set. I really liked your View From Above and Vibrant.


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