
Thursday, August 30, 2012


aaahhh!  sun puddle snoozing!

Oliver was snoozing in the sunshine till I interrupted him with camera in hand.


I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "O." 

photos by me © 2010 and 2012 all rights reserved


  1. Oliver has the most beautiful green eyes. He does not look too happy about being disturbed however.

  2. What a sweetheart :) He looks so content cuddled in your arms :)

  3. Oliver is just too cute! Love the peaceful look on his face as he naps.

  4. What a cutie, and such gorgeous green eyes!

  5. But I'll make such a journey out of it, so that I can look back and say that I have lived a life without any apologies. I have promised myself this.

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  6. Oliver, I wish I was doing the same right now!

  7. Oliver, you are such a handsome Mancat! We'd like to cuddle in the sunpuddle with you!

    Angel & Isabella

  8. Oh Oliver...what a cute cat you are!

  9. Oh my gosh!!! I think that Oliver and Violet are related, right down to that black spot on the nose! Great photos! As soon as I get a close-up of Violet, you'll see what I mean! Wonderful "O" post!

  10. Awwww Oliver is so cute! I want a cat so bad :D Awesome 'O' post :)

  11. that sweater is ravishing with Oliver's eyes!!

  12. I think our two Olivers should meet! Your's is a cutie! They always give you a sideways "leave me alone" look when disturbed, don't they!!

  13. Dear Margaret,
    My wife has been cooing over Oliver since she saw this post. She said he reminded her of her Delilah...her cat for 16 years in the UK, until it passed. Oliver didn't look too pleased at being disturbed in that second shot...looks like he's giving you the evil eye! (LOL) Thanks for sharing.

    Out Of The Shadows Of Knowledge

    You're welcome to join me for Blog Hop Saturday! held every first Saturday of the month. Linky closes at 11:59pm on Sun Sept 2nd.

  14. Awww...Oliver is just precious.

  15. All photos are awesome, but the second is my prefered!

  16. Oliver is absolutely darling. Is there anything cuter than a cat snoozing in a puddle of sunlight?

  17. Awwww him almost looks like my baby Izzy! Both rotten I assume!

  18. Oliver is quite an outstanding character!

    I love seeing him melted in puddle of contentment.

    What a fun link for the letter 'O'.

    Thank you for sharing him.


  19. I did some sun puddle snoozing on my patio this week! Awesome little cat!


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