
Thursday, September 27, 2012


I've come across in my travels...

Glacier National Park (sign posted at the beginning of a hike)

brrrrr....on the Icefields Parkway, Jasper in late August (temps are Centigrade; in the higher elevations, it's even colder!)

Jasper National Park, Canada.  Did we actually see any bears?  no, unfortunately.

sign in front of the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park.  In spite of several warning signs, including one informing of the fall of a young boy into a crevasse several years earlier, people still crossed over and walked onto the glacier.  I have seen people not obey warning signs and do some pretty stupid things, like jumping into a pool of churning water with a rapid current above a waterfall.  Perhaps they think because they are on vacation they are immune to disaster.
This sign reads:
crevasses and millwells (DEEP HOLES, SOMETIMES HIDDEN)
changeable ice conditions
swift flowing creeks with slippery banks
mountaineering and crevasse rescue equipment
the knowledge of how to use it

and my personal favorite-
Grand Cayman

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "S." 

photos by me © 2010, 2011, 2012 all rights reserved


  1. Those were some pretty great signs! Esp...the 9MPH one and I actually said out loud to mysel "Oh My God that is so cute" at the Elderly people sign;) Yea, I don't think I'd be braving any glacier walking with signs like those!

  2. Great signs! 9 is such an odd speed limit, and I love the elderly people one! I also love the one with the bear that looks like it has glowing eyes or something, haha. I always see people venturing out beyond danger signs too. I suppose they just can't help it - its like a sign next to a button that says "DON'T PUSH THIS BUTTON" or something. I don't know. Silly.

  3. Love this post! One triggers a memory: We were hiking years ago in one of our national parks--don't remember which one--and a little way up the trail there was one of those bear signs. We went ahead, but I had a deepening foreboding with each step, until I told my hubby and persuaded him to please turn back. I still remember how scared I was, and I an experienced hiker!!

  4. Those signs are GREAT! 9mph? I'd be walking around that curve, clinging to the mountain!! Love the "elderly people" sign -- I should post that in front of my house! LOL!
    People can be pretty stupid when it comes to danger signs -- I guess the sign holds some sort of challenge for them.

  5. I will collect road signs, too - such fun! I love the elderly people' one.

  6. The speed limit sign is so clear for a night cool! And 9mph...too funny :)
    I love the elderly sign too :)

  7. Wonder what happens if you go 10 mph on that curve? :) It's fun to see different signs but too bad you didn't see a bear!

  8. Nice signs! I especially like the "Elderly People" one - never saw one like that before.

  9. Awesome round up! "Elderly people" is priceless.

  10. Loved your signs - especially the elderly one!

  11. Una buena colección de signos.

  12. somehow, that elderly people sign seems a bit cranky. great S contributions.

  13. Hahaha ! these signs are really great ! and on top it's your own experience and not something on Internet ! The most funniest signs here are the translated once. I have such a funny sign from Italy in Italian and underneath translated into English, I couldn't stop laughing because it just didn't make sense, like some Google translations !

  14. I have been to those wonderful places! The Columbia Icefields use to come right up to the road, and now, they are a mile from the road! Great "S" post, Margaret!

  15. I love all of the bear warning signs! I saw a moose one time when I was in Cape Breton. It was an absolutely incredible sight.

    <3 Melissa

  16. I've never seen an "elderly people" sign...nice "S" post.

  17. Hahaha. Love the elderly people!

  18. What fun signs!

    I really enjoyed the 'elderly people' one.

    I need one of those for my house!

    Thanks for a superb link to the letter "S".



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