
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Whimsically (or so it seems), we're having temperatures in the high 60s today.  This is a portion of the Little Miami River that I travel past often.  Because of the light today, scenery is somewhat muted.  I think this gives an overall serene feel. 

I was looking for something vintage to photograph and found this nut chopper that once belonged to my mother. 

I was having fun taking photos in the car wash today.  (Everyone does this, right?!)  I think the pattern created by water on glass with trees and bushes in the background is whimsical.

We got a brand spanking new stove yesterday!  woo hoo!  I had to try it out.  Here I'm making sauce to top noodles. 

Who knows if this is the best photograph I took all week.  It is, however, a favorite, being as it's of a very special kitty--Oliver.  

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, November 13 at midnight EST to join in.

Next week's words are: 

  1. Vision
  2. Strong
  3. Buttons
  4. Map
  5. Favorite Fruit
I've never stated this before, but 99% of the photos I have posted on my blog are straight out of the camera!
photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Your nature has a very familiar look to it (we'll be all brown with a hint of green here and there all too soon) and nothing beats a vintage nut chopper. Oliver is a handsome fella, so best is fitting.

  2. I was admiring each photo - then there is Oliver! Magnificent!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Nicely done as always! We were blessed with unseasonably warm weather this weekend, too. I am also featuring a kitty picture for Week's Best this week. How can you go wrong?

  4. Great set! Love your nature shot! We're having a nice, warm stretch also. I believe it is about to come to an end tomorrow though. Love the kitty too!

  5. Lovely photos, Margaret. I just followed your blog and it will be up on my reading list. :) Nice one.

  6. I love that picture of Oliver! So sweet ♥
    I haven't taken a picture inside a the car while it is being washed ;-) but yours certainly looks whimsical! A new stove? That's exciting. I would get straight to cooking too :)
    Have a great week ahead!

  7. Your water is so clear! And your sauce looks so yummy!
    I would agree that this week's best is of Oliver :)

  8. That nut chopper is so neat!

  9. Love the water on the car window and Oliver is a cutie!

  10. Lovin the vintage nut chopper. When I think of all my grandmas cooking utensils and how they all were thrown away...makes my heart sick.


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