
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy National Rubber Duckie Day!



January 13 is National Rubber Duckie Day! 
Rubber Duckies were invented in the late 1800s along with the invention of rubber.  In the 1970s, Rubber Duckies became hugely popular when Ernie sang his Rubber Duckie Song on Sesame Street.  (thanks to creator Jim Henson!)

Rubber duck (now made out of vinyl plastic) races have become popular methods for fundraising.  Money is donated to the organization sponsoring the race.  A duck is assigned.  All the ducks are dumped into a waterway.  The first duck to cross the finish line wins a prize for its sponsor.

The largest race takes place in my hometown--Cincinnati. Ohio.  The annual Freestore Foodbank Rubber Duck Regatta began in 1994.  Over 100,000 ducks race.  This fundraiser has netted over $4.6 million since its beginning.

January 13 is Rubber Duckie Day because it is Ernie's rubber duck's birthday.

RubaDuck  everything you can possibly think of to know about rubber ducks!
giant rubber duck floats around the waterways of the world 
rubber ducks history 
20,000 rubber ducks lost at sea 

a couple other races:
Australia:  The Great Brisbane Duck Race each year raises funds for the PA Research Foundation.  30,000 ducks raced  in 2011. 
UK:  The annual Stockbridge Duck Race is held in Stockbridge, Edinburgh to raise money for local charities. 1000 rubber ducks are released. 

PS:  Katz Tales inspired my post with her facebook post about The Cats of Wildcat Woods blog post celebrating Rubber Duckie Day with photos of cats and duckies.  Go see!  cute!
photos by me © 2013 


  1. What - I had no idea - I would have displayed mine! We have a ducky race in the summer here in Breckenridge, CO, too. My Grandkids play with mine in our stream.

  2. What a fun post! and you two kitties are such cute models :)

  3. Love the kitty photos! Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.

  4. Ernie singing rubber ducky was one of my kids favorite things ever! I have had that song in my head for years....

  5. Oliver and Earnest are so handsome we almost didn't see the rubber duckies! Cute photos and fun post!

  6. Great photos :) And now I have Ernie's rubber ducky song in my head!
    I've seen these races take place before...what fun to have one in your town!

  7. That is too awesome! I love rubber ducks and cats. What a great combination.

  8. I just love these photos, Margaret!
    Your kitties are very photogenic and don't seem to mind
    being photographed :)
    The rubber duckie is cute too!

  9. Ernest is one beautiful cat. Is he named for Ernie of Sesame Street?

  10. I didn't even know there was such a thing as Rubber Ducky Day! Ernie singing that song in the bathtub is a classic!
    xo Catherine

  11. Rubber Duckie Day?! Wow! That's hilarious. But I have to admit I love rubber ducks, so why not? Love those photos of your cats playing with rubber ducks, too!


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